
Arterial Plaque Clean Up - Your Advantages and Benefits with Us by Dr. Arlo Gordin

You’re likely reading this because it’s been determined, usually by specific test results, that you need to clean up plaque in your blood vessels.  This problem of clogging up your blood vessels with plaque continues to be the number one cause of death in the world and in the USA as well.  Clogged arteries hold the position constantly as the main cause of heart attacks and strokes, the number one killers of humankind.

Medicine has its way of “dealing with” this problem.  Cardiologists (heart specialists) and most all other MD’s have their drug ways of “dealing with” plaque.  Because it is known and acknowledged that this is the most serious of health arenas and problems, the medical field “must” offer something.  It would be nicest if that something actually helped in a big way. Hospitals can sometimes do GREAT when you’ve HAD a devastating heart attack or stroke IF you can get REALLY FAST (minutes) to a properly equipped hospital. However, many doctors, scientists and experts, including myself, are aware of the crippling limitations Medicine has in dealing with the main underlying cause of those calamities.  (By the way Covid era has added new heart attack and stroke incidences but they still don’t come remotely close to rivalling the ones caused by arterial plaque.)  MD’s are notoriously bad at doing anything at all to reduce the plaque a person has accumulated that is clogging their blood vessels.  They have drugs (often “Statins”) which have side effects and “questionable” ability to help at all, although they can make your Cholesterol on a lab test appear to be in a better range.  Studies have been published, however, that Statins do not extend human life by a single day.

Reading this it is likely that we have put you on a supplement with studies proving that it successfully dissolves plaque, over time.  It is an incredible bargain for the invaluable service it can provide, but still is not the least expensive nutritional product.  We stock and sell it to our patients who need it, and at a price slightly lower than the best price you can get it at, since you don’t have to pay the full sales tax since it is part of health treatment. Additionally, we use the money generated in providing it to you to help cover the professional expertise and time that it takes to order testing, review and report to you, with interpretation of the results and our recommendations.

Note that we now also instruct most of this type of patient on two other effective ways to stop adding to arterial plaque. So that as you are dissolving the plaque you’ve accumulated, you are not adding new plaque to replace it!

Oftentimes the test that may be used to assess your presence or absence of plaque, and which gives us an actual score as to how good or bad it is, is the CAC or also called Calcium Scoring of the Heart.  We have negotiated low “cash” prices at the Imaging facility that is required to perform the test.  CAC provides images and also grades the amount of calcified arterial plaque that you have/don’t have.  It can be re-done after enough treatment with the right approach, to see how much plaque has been removed and is reduced. Expect that if you had plaque at levels that were best reduced on your first test, that we will be recommending retest(s) to show the job is being achieved and when it’s done. Some people are completely plaqued up (and to their surprise at times) and tempting death; some have no plaque detectable at all. And some are at various points in between. I have tests returned to me in all of those three categories.

For many of you, professional time and expertise needed for administering, advising, explaining, testing, retesting, we allow to be compensated by your buying the products recommended directly from us.  That is a way to save you money.  If, however, for purposes of convenience, or any other reasons you choose to purchase the products recommended from another source, then this form of “exchange” or “compensation” is not made to your doctor here. Or you will be asked to pay directly for the professional time and expertise needed for those functions.

Actually, this is our policy on Nutritional Supplements generally.  When you, our patient, buys them from us, we take this as a large part of compensating for the time, expertise, direction, monitoring, and revising that supplement programs often require.  But if a person will buy from another source the supplements that we carry and have recommended to them for a particular defined problem, then we must charge for the “professional component” of performing their nutritional services. (This of course also reflects the years of training, always ongoing, and experience that we bring to the arena and allow us to get results when other nutritional programs had failed.)

It is a great service to save lives of patients with this type of testing and health corrective program.  The case could be made that this is one of the most valuable health services any doctor could provide, as it could impact both the length and quality of your life immensely. Incapacity, heart bypass surgeries, surgical insertion of arterial stents, hospital stays, and bottles of prescription drugs are all some of the costly, potentially crippling, and risky ways that arterial plaque are medically treated.

Just minutes ago today one of my patients told me how his quality of life and energy and well-being had been hugely changed by this approach.

It is also worth noting that the Heart Sound Monitor testing, which can identify the exact nutritional needs that affect electrical function and cellular health of this important organ may be recommended to you.  We perform that test directly seated in our office.

I hope this write-up enhances your understanding of this critical arena of health and our services that address it, and helps you also to get the help you wish in the most cost-effective manner.


Recommended:  Read also the write-up entitled, A Tale of Two Blood Flows