CIPRO DANGERS - The Flurorquinolone Antibiotics Are Black Boxed Labeled For Dangers by Dr. Arlo Gordin

You’ve been sent this write-up by me.  Probably you have some of the severe dangerous side-effects of the Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics, of which the most common product name is Cipro, though more than a dozen other names are used when manufactured by other drug companies than Pfizer. 


Just this week I took in 3 New Patients completely uninformed about this issue who were disabled, pain-ridden with: 1) A horrible tear of the Achilles tendon and 2) a woman with multiple MRI’s, each showing at least 3 tendon damages, partial and complete tendon tears in knees, hips, shoulders and injured spinal discs.  She was being advised to undergo multiple complete joint replacement surgeries! 3)  A woman crippled with pain in a great number of her joints who could not go up stairs, work out, sleep due to pain, or even perform normal daily activities.  All 3 had taken Cipro.  All 3 were prior to seeing me clueless that the problem(s) they suffered were from taking an antibiotic for a Urinary Infection!  Who would even guess? Most are people who before becoming Cipro-damaged were of quite normal health.


Perhaps you have disabling symptoms, imaging findings or other clues to me that you have tendon damage, tears, and perhaps a partial or complete tear of your Achilles tendon in your heel.  I may have asked you: “Did you take antibiotics for an infection, maybe a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection), Respiratory Infection, a digestive difficulty such as diverticulitis, or numerous other infections where this group of antibiotics are commonly prescribed?  Were you never warned of the drug’s dangers?”  (The severest of labeling warnings of the FDA the “Black Boxed Warning” would mean that “Informed Consent” to which patients are entitled under law would require for the doctor and the pharmacist issuing this drug to you inform you of its severe dangers.


Search the subject “Cipro Side Effects”.  Find this immediately on your screen: “Is Cipro hard on your body?  Ciprofloxacin can cause serious side effects, including tendon problems, damage to your nerves (which may be permanent), serious mood or behavior changes (after just one dose), or low blood sugar (which can lead to coma).”


”What are the dangers of taking Cipro?  Warnings: Quinolone antibiotics (including ciprofloxacin) may cause serious and possibly permanent tendon damage (such as tendonitis, tendon rupture), nerve problems in the arms and legs (peripheral neuropathy), and nervous system problems.”


”What percentage of people have a bad reaction to Cipro?  Psychotic reactions occur in fewer than 1 percent of people who take Cipro, but the drug is used to treat anthrax and plague.”


“What does Cipro do to the brain? Cipro and Levaquin can cause serious damage to your central nervous system, potentially inflicting brain injuries and dysfunctions that affect your mental state. A few examples of the most common psychological changes include: Depression and anxiety. Paranoia.” FDA warning: “…disorientation, agitation, nervousness, memory impairment, and serious disturbances in mental abilities called delirium.” FDA advice: “the serious side effects associated with fluoroquinolone antibacterial drugs generally outweigh the benefits for patients with acute sinusitis, acute bronchitis, and uncomplicated urinary tract infections who have other treatment options.”


“Are ciprofloxacin side effects permanent? Fluoroquinolone medicines (which contain ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, lomefloxacin, moxifloxacin, norfloxacin, ofloxacin, pefloxacin, prulifloxacin and rufloxacin) can cause long-lasting, disabling and potentially permanent side effects involving tendons, muscles, joints and the nervous system.”


“Why is Cipro banned? Ciprofloxacin includes a black boxed warning in the United States due to an increased risk of tendinitis and tendon rupture, especially in people who are older than 60 years, people who also use corticosteroids, and people with kidney, lung, or heart transplants.” Note: Cipro and other names of its family of antibiotics are still prescribed every day to millions of people; they are not banned.


“The use of ciprofloxacin and other antibiotics of the class of fluoroquinolones … associated with disruption of the normal functions of connective tissue, including tendon rupture, tendonitis and retinal detachment.” 


In case you’re curious, the development of this drug, its patent and the product issued under the name Cipro are from the great humanitarians at the drug company named Pfizer.


“They found that patients who received fluoroquinolones had a higher risk for aneurysms (formation of balloon-like areas in the aorta that weaken the integrity of the vessel), ruptures or dissections (tears in the wall) than patients who did not receive the antibiotics.”


2008: “The new warnings apply to fluoroquinolones, a class of antibiotics that includes the popular drug Cipro. The FDA has told companies that the drugs must now carry "black box" warnings alerting doctors and patients that the drugs can increase risk of tendinitis and tendon rupture in some patients.”

“Fluoroquinolones have carried similar warnings for years, but officials say they continue to receive reports of safety problems. A "black box" warning is the FDA's sternest warning.”

"We have seen continuing reports of tendon rupture so we are trying to increase awareness," 

Cipro can even disrupt digestion, cause severe metabolic disruption, mental illness, and is now being petitioned to the FDA to be banned for the side-effect of Suicide!  Imagine an Antibiotic whose “side-effect” is you kill yourself!  The listed dangers above are by no means complete.  Just one Facebook group of sufferers (“floxed” is the word invented for injured by Cipro) has thousands of members!

I have a myriad of patients with this history and this miserable crime of taking a crippling drug when another innocent (and cheaper!) old school antibiotic would serve as well or better.  My advice: If you or someone you love is prescribed an antibiotic, check to see if the common old-school antibiotic ending is in the name: -cillin, -mycin, -cycline.  If not put its name into the search engine.  If in the 1st paragraph it is stated:  This is in the family of antibiotics known as the Fluoroquinolones, run.  Ask the doctor to prescribe instead a dependable and incalculably more safe old-school antibiotic for your infection.

I am reminded of an accomplished jazz musician-friend I see who looked it up and realized his crippling joint pains which had ruined his body and career were from taking this drug. He had spent years, a small personal fortune, tried methods and bought expensive treatment machines before he found me and he was “fixed” and corrected for this nightmare.

Of my talented pianist patient-friend who was given Cipro which did not cure his infection in the lungs, but when he went walking weeks after getting out of the hospital, tore for no reason his Achilles tendon right off the bone, had a corrective reattachment surgery, and years after couldn’t stand well on that leg until I corrected the problems for him.

Of my patient-friend who told me of the day his biceps tendon tore right off the bone and left the muscle dangling useless, who had taken Levaquin (another of the trade names) for an eye infection!

Now every week it seems new patients appear with this antibiotic-induced injury, damage and disability as the center of their pain, malfunction and joint damage/arthritic debility.

Don’t fall prey to this drug!  If you have, you need workable help to get out of the hole it has put you in.  Which is not so easy to find!

Metabolic Syndrome, a Real Serial Killer: Now the Most Important Issue in Health by Dr. Arlo Gordin

Some of you still haven’t even heard of “Metabolic Syndrome” or don’t really understand it.

Most don’t know enough about insulin, blood sugar, and its wide-ranging effects on life (and it’s calamitous causes of misery and death). This is presently the most important issue in health for most people.


To cover this vastly important subject in a short piece is a challenge. Our health workshop is pressed to cover it thoroughly in an evening.


Simply: if you eat too much (usually of carbs) sugars, or starches, at meals or snacks, your body is compelled to produce a quantity of insulin, from your pancreas into your blood, to “handle” and distribute your rising blood sugar.  That, incidentally, makes people fat.


Handle it, unfortunately, it really can’t.  As a result, insulin goes very high (in your blood and in your cells), and circulating sugar in your blood does too. 


Often times, though not always, the individual’s stomach will get bigger, fatter.  An enlarged waistline is the usual marker of Metabolic Syndrome.  The person is in trouble, and over time that trouble worsens.  Energy problems and fatigue are typical early signs.

Insulin is not a hormone you want to see rise to higher levels.  Insulin causes things we don’t want to happen.  It causes your body to build cholesterol.  That’s right: build it!  You can be on a cholesterol-free, fat-free diet, and have soaring blood cholesterol.  Why?  Because in the presence of elevated insulin, the body makes cholesterol out of sugar or starch.  It makes it out of sweets and breads, or even granola, carrot juice, rice or beer.


Avoiding eating cholesterol is no real route to lowering your blood’s cholesterol, although it was thought to be so.  It is important to have your blood not have too much cholesterol or unhealthy fats circulating in it. Why?  Cholesterol and its associated bad fats in the blood form the base of plaques, the junk that clogs arteries.  Along with stress and other causative factors, plaque fragments which break up and float free from the artery wall form the mechanism of heart attacks and strokes.  Did you notice the top two causes of death were named in the last sentence?

As if that weren’t enough! Insulin is the fat-storing hormone.  That’s why it makes us fatter (usually).  Thus the increasing waist-size.  Watch that belt!  To add to the mix: If you are overfat, the amount of fat you have put around your belly is mirrored by an equivalent amount of fat deposited in your Liver.  This is the new understanding that those up-to-date know, the problem known as NAFLD, Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.  Not a trivial problem, it is. One with serious health consequences.

It also diminishes oxygen flows and has wide-ranging hormonal effects.  People with blood sugar problems (that’s another way of describing all this), usually compromise their adrenal glands, too.  That opens another Pandora’s Box.


A quick summary of low adrenal function: Headaches, pains, aches, arthritis, inflammatory and auto-immune disorders, weak or injured knees, fatigue, lowered immunity, fuzzy thinking, memory loss, anxiety/depression, chronic inflammations like colitis and dermatitis.  And that list isn’t near complete!


Not important enough a subject to interest you? Rising insulin levels mean that you are on a path that, taken to its end, is the destination called “Diabetes”.  Many doctors still seem to act as if they believe that diabetes is something one day you don’t have, and the next, “Poof”, you do.  That’s not the least bit true.


Diabetes (“adult onset”) is caused usually over years.  There are new tests that tell where one is on that road.  Testing your fasting blood insulin is one.  When problems are occurring, it’s too high.  Another is the HgA1C test that sees how caramelized your red blood cells are from the sugar they are bathed in over their 90-day lives.


12% of American adults are now diabetics, and still that number is steadily rising.  Prediabetes affects 38%.  Which means half of our adult population is diabetic or prediabetic!  Diabetes is an epidemic problem.  It’s one end-effect of Metabolic syndrome, (rising blood sugar and high insulin).  It’s a catastrophic disease, very destructive and deadly.  It still causes blindness, nerve destruction, kidney failure, and more.  Because it is the extreme end of Metabolic Syndrome, it comes with all the deadly other consequences spoken of earlier.  It is noted as the most expensive disease for an HMO health insurer to pay to treat!  There are new methods in treating Diabetes used in my office, which many doctors still haven’t learned to apply.


The use of specific nutrition identified by my testing and specific chiropractic adjustments to correct the abused body areas and “circuits” in the nerve system lets you experience record changes in getting your body back on track and healthy.


If Metabolic Syndrome only covered the cause of heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, fat metabolism “illness” and diabetes it would be the most important subject in medicine.  Since those first three represent less than half of the total list of effects caused (although the most deadly three), the subject is much more important than even that.


Does it surprise you as much as me that most doctors still are not competent nutritionists?  That they don’t often test for, prevent, or correct Metabolic Syndrome?  When this is the real scientifically proven cause of such a huge part of doctors’ daily work, (and the cause of early summoning of the mortician too)?


We each need to learn how to eat right.  And exercise right.  As well as exercise our (often not easy) need to discipline ourselves to not overeat.  And to know how much carbs we need, and limit them.  We also need to monitor the size of our waistlines.  And to learn how advanced chiropractic and natural techniques can get us back to real function.


Some of you need also to have your arterial plaque tested, a Calcium score of your heart arteries.  (CAC test)  When it is bad and your arteries are clogged, you need us to help you remove the plaque!


To learn more, I invite you to watch my seminars (on YouTube, under Dr. Arlo Gordin):  Energy and Blood Sugar is an excellent explanation. I would like my friends to live happily and healthily, and I believe that education is the most needed element to improve the lives of all of us.

GERD, Hiatal Hernia, Acid & Stomach Malfunctions by Dr. Arlo Gordin

GASTRO ESOPHAGEAL REFLUX DISEASE, GERD, is such a common problem that the drugs prescribed for it are the most used in the country!  Who would guess that?  Those drugs are “Acid Blockers”.  And when you add to them all the non-prescription antacids (Tums etc.) think of the amount of medication sold and taken for that type of problem!  The bad effects of the medications include cutting your production of your very needed stomach acid, and creating side effects eIsewhere in your body.  I have seen thousands of these patients over the years.  And let’s cut to the punchline:  Generally I fix them, and quite quickly.


What’s the deal?  Why so common a problem?  The answer comes usually in understanding the term “Hiatal Hernia”.  The words HIATAL HERNIA (Hernia:  word meaning a part of the body that passes through a hole it wasn’t meant to, sometimes a hole that shouldn’t have even been there at all.)  Hiatal:  in this case referring to the opening “hiatus” (hole) that exists in the diaphragm to allow the food tube to pass through the diaphragm after its descent from your mouth and throat. The food tube then connects to your stomach which needs to lie beneath the diaphragm, which is the large dome shaped muscle of breathing.  Hiatal Hernia can be also be known as an Esophageal Hernia.  Though some are detected by MD’s, many are not.  Our testing technique catches them all!


So then, what is a Hiatal Hernia?  It is the wrong location of the topmost part of your stomach, which should be below your diaphragm, poking its way above that muscle and finding itself in the chest compartment where your heart and lungs should privately reside.  The entire stomach should be fully in the abdominal, not in the chest, compartment.  All parts of the stomach need to be in the abdominal compartment which has in it the other organs involved in digestion such as pancreas, liver, gall bladder, the small and the large intestines.


How does the top of the stomach end up passing through a meant-to-be snug hole in your diaphragm that should have tightly held the food tube (esophagus) in the right place?  Answer:  the diaphragm’s hole must have gotten too big, weak and lax to allow the stomach to slip upward from where it belongs.  Why?  Like so many things that can go wrong in a body, look to the controlling system for all your muscles (remember the diaphragm is a muscle), cells, organs and tissues of your body: YOUR NERVE SYSTEM!  Pinched nerves to the area caused the problem.


The nerves that went wrong and cause a Hiatal Hernia and GERD are ones right between your shoulder blades. The level of the nerve impingement and pinching is found at Thoracic Number 5 (T5).  To get an idea where T5 locates, think of where a bra strap would commonly pass across a woman’s back.  That level would commonly be at T6. An inch above that is T5.


I regularly need to Chiropractically adjust the mid-back area on most all of my patients.  Why?  Because they have pinched nerves (“subluxations”) there.  I’ll explain some of the common causes of mid-back nerve compression and malfunction. All the nerves of Blood Sugar Regulation come out from your spine in your mid-back.  That’s right:  Too many calories, too many carbs, too much sweets or bread etc., which are the cause of the epidemic of both Low Blood Sugar and then Pre-Diabetes and Diabetes are also the very common cause of mid-spine subluxation.  That nerve compression there causes your getting a Hiatal Hernia and GERD. The mid-back will also twist to compensate for problems above and below it.  That means Neck and Low-Back problems cause Mid-Back subluxations.  Postural stress (like sitting in a chair in front of a monitor all day) also take a big toll on the mid-back, causing you thoracic subluxation.  And “Stress” itself (Mental and Emotional Stress) which wear out your Adrenal Glands affect their nerves causing subluxation.  And the nerves to and from adrenals locate where?  Right in this same mid-back area! 


When you add those cause factors up, you can quickly understand how most patients are literally dying to have their mid-back nerves adjusted by a truly competent Chiropractor.  So with so many millions of individuals with mid-back nerve malfunction, whether they feel pain in that area of the back or they don’t, it’s no wonder that the areas served by those exact nerves, failing to get adequate nerve signaling, fail.  And a key area served by those exact mid-spine nerves are:  the diaphragm muscle, the valve between food tube and stomach (the sphincter muscle that must open and close competently). That valve must let food down into the stomach, and then close and stay closed to keep the food, once that chewed food is mixed with powerful stomach acid, down in the stomach. That acid mess must not back-flow into the food tube.  Acid that flows back (“reflux”) burns and causes pain and health problems.  That stomach valve is a muscle that, you guessed it, needs nerve control too to be able to competently open and to competently stay shut.  It fails when the nerves to it, in the mid-back, are suffering from subluxation!


Fail each of these areas do, and often, due to nerve compression between the shoulder blades.  That means the stomach, its valve (“sphincter muscle”) get harmed.  GERD which stands for Gasto Esophageal Reflux Disease is one common effect of that.  Reflux is the back-motion of the acid that should only be in the stomach, up into the food tube.  The pain from it can force a person to not lie down, to even sleep sitting up!  The stomach has a miraculous bit of construction.  Its lining, which is made of living “meat” is not broken down by the strong stomach  acid which is so powerful it digests meat!  That is a miraculous thing. But the esophagus (food tube) isn’t lined in the same miraculous way the stomach is.  Stomach acid will eat through it!  And cause pain and symptoms.  Stomach acid can even get up so high and destroy the vocal chords in severe cases. And because the stomach gets itself pinched in a hiatal hernia, blood flow to its own lining can be reduced.  That means acid can hurt its own stomach lining, and cause damage.  Result:  ulceration, or burning through, of the stomach lining. That’s a “stomach ulcer”. But ulcers can be cured!  Usually very easily when I adjust the mid-back, the hiatal hernia stomach itself back into place, and use the correct nutrients and/or juice to heal the damaged areas (spine, stomach lining and valve).


To achieve this, you also need to have the top part of your stomach manually repositioned to be below the opening of the diaphragm.  That is put it back fully where it came from and where it belongs.


Adjustments (spinal AND organ) and nutritional correction, that’s what it takes.  Adjust the spine.  Get whatever is wrong, right.  And that means un-pinching the nerves in the middle back.  Adjust the stomach back down to put it back fully below the diaphragm!  That’s done with my hands too.  Then take supplementation to heal the spine and valve, and if needed, the lining.  Then the CAUSE of the problem is fixed.  That’s big-time different than the medical approach, with its symptom cover-up medication, and those drugs’ bad side-effects.  All the while the medications just try to diminish the pain and symptoms, while never correcting the underlying cause. Understand that GERD and Hiatal Hernia correction is done by a minority of chiropractors, usually by the small number well-trained in “Applied Kinesiology”, the less known and mastered muscle testing technique of Chiropractic.


Let’s summarize what causes these problems:  Pinched nerves in mid-back cause weak diaphragm muscle, top of the stomach incorrect position, stomach pinching at the diaphragm, and stomach valve failure.  Stomach acid then back-flows into esophagus (food-tube). The lining of stomach can be typically burnt by your stomach acid because the stomach’s blood flow and lining integrity are hurt.  That’s the cause of reflux, acid, burning, chest pressure, etc.


Drugs harm by suppressing the production of acid you need to digest.  And their side effects disrupt your health.


Let’s summarize what fixes these problems:  Chiropractically adjust and correct through a proper chiropractic program the pinched mid-back nerves which caused the problem in the first place.  Chiropractically re-position by adjusting the stomach itself fully back below the diaphragm where it needs to be.  With exact supplementation heal the spine, stomach lining and, if an ulcer exists, heal the ulcer into disappearing and being replaced by healthy tissue.


That’s how I help people heal and correct these problems.  Actually really help by fixing the true problem.  Recently I treated another patient with severest reflux. He couldn’t sleep lying down for many years.  He is able to get to sleep actually lying down for the first time after only a month’s treatment!


That’s the story on how to actually fix the most medicated, drugged and an actually quite miserable health problem in America!

How to Eat for Blood Sugar Balance & the Zone (40-30-30) by Dr. Arlo Gordin

Many of you want to know how we advise you to eat.  Some of our patients desperately need to know the correct way to change their method of eating.  This is because their eating habits are making and keeping them unwell.  The best diet for restoring health has been described as “the Zone”.  It consists of the method of getting the correct amount of protein and other foods (40% of calories from carbohydrates, 30% from protein foods, 30% from oils) to balance hormones, blood-sugar, and take the stress off the pancreas and adrenals.  It allows you to eat almost anything.  Your diet can be as tasty and varied as you want it to be!


“The Zone” (40-30-30) is a method of balancing the amounts of carbohydrate (sugar and starch), protein, and oils.  Current scientific research on this exact balance shows that it will:


1.  Take sugar and carbohydrate or overeating stress off of your adrenal glands.  If your adrenals are low, or if they are exhausted, this eating methodology will help your adrenals get going, and get healthy output of their crucial hormones.  This is for many of my patients invaluable in a) getting out of pain, b) reducing inflammatory conditions, c) conquering the many adrenal conditions which include fatigue, low blood sugar, asthma, rashes, allergies, respiratory complaints, skin diseases, fibromyalgia, and so many more.

2.  Help you lose weight (if you need to) or gain muscle (if you need to).  It normalizes your weight and body-fat percentages.  It is a successful and dependable weight-loss system for the overweight.  The average overweight person will lose pounds every week.  It will also allow the increase of lean muscle mass for the active person working-out.  Because it keeps the body from over-secreting insulin, and to release the fat-burning hormone glucagon, it allows the body to access fat to be burned as fuel.

3.  Balance your blood sugar, and keep your pancreas from secreting excess insulin.  That will prevent diabetes, heart disease, and high cholesterol.  It is the recommended eating system for headache and migraine patients.  It will also balance your blood sugar and help you be healthy if you are a diabetic.

4.   Increase your energy and keep you mentally alert.  It takes food-related (blood sugar) stress off the adrenal glands.  It is the food-balancing system for patients with low adrenals and the symptoms caused by them.

5.  Offer you the eating method that can be customized for varied people with extremely different needs.  It can help the very ill recover, or assist an elite athlete obtain best-ever performance.

6.  Reduce pain for many individuals.  The hormonal balance the Zone causes will reduce the inflammatory conditions that are characterized by pain, including arthritis. It helps with autoimmune diseases (like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and multiple sclerosis).

7.  Extend your life expectancy because it normalizes blood pressure, factors affecting plaquing of artery walls, and thus occurrence of heart attack and stroke.   There is evidence to show that it is cancer-preventing.  It is the diet that will slow the aging process.


The key is to balance the ratio of protein, carbohydrates and oil every time you eat or snack.  It is also eating food in the proper portions.  So it lays out both portions, and proportions of food you eat at meals and snacks.  You will want to eat every 3-6 hours, because hormones and blood sugar stay optimally balanced for about 5 hours. 


The Zone (40-30-30) is used as part of patients’ treatment programs.  For many it is a central part of their nutrition program, together with supplements that are customized for their health condition.  It brings improvement to individuals who, either by craving or misinformation, were loading-up on carbohydrates or sugars and perhaps under-eating protein foods.  It brings the correct amount of the right oils to people who either over-consumed, or over-limited fat and oil intake.  The results are often miraculous, and can be expected to be as good as the individual will understand, apply and follow the guidelines.


The easiest and recommended way to get the Zone (40-30-30) underway for you, is for you to buy the book “The Formula” by the Daousts, available on Amazon.  Go directly to the recipes to see how you can construct meals and snacks that match your tastes in food.  When you have healthy habits, such as eating organic, or avoiding wheat (all the herbicides and pesticides in the grains now) you can apply those into the meals and snacks you use.


For scholars seeking to read more detailed scientific information, the book “Getting into the Zone”, by Dr. Barry Sears available to read. 


Once you get the book “The Formula” by the Daousts you are able to be absolutely on your way.  First determine which letter plan you are on.  Then go to the second half (the recipes) and get right to determining what you will eat for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Snacks.

How to Eat for Adrenal & Glandular Recovery and Strengthening: the Zone (40-30-30) by Dr. Arlo Gordin

Many of you want to know how we advise you to eat.  Some of our patients desperately need to know the correct way to change their method of eating.  This is because their eating habits are making and keeping them unwell.  The best diet for restoring health has been described as “the Zone”.  It consists of the method of getting the correct amount of protein and other foods (40% of calories from carbohydrates, 30% from protein foods, 30% from oils) to balance hormones, blood-sugar, and take the stress off the pancreas and adrenals.  It allows you to eat almost anything.  Your diet can be as tasty and varied as you want it to be!


“The Zone” (40-30-30) is a method of balancing the amounts of carbohydrate (sugar and starch), protein, and oils.  Current scientific research on this exact balance shows that it will:


1.  Take sugar and carbohydrate or overeating stress off of your adrenal glands.  If your adrenals are low, or if they are exhausted, this eating methodology will help your adrenals get going, and get healthy output of their crucial hormones.  This is for many of my patients invaluable in a) getting out of pain, b) reducing inflammatory conditions, c) conquering the many adrenal conditions which include fatigue, low blood sugar, asthma, rashes, allergies, respiratory complaints, skin diseases, fibromyalgia, and so many more.

2.  Help you lose weight (if you need to) or gain muscle (if you need to).  It normalizes your weight and body-fat percentages.  It is a successful and dependable weight-loss system for the overweight.  The average overweight person will lose pounds every week.  It will also allow the increase of lean muscle mass for the active person working-out.  Because it keeps the body from over-secreting insulin, and to release the fat-burning hormone glucagon, it allows the body to access fat to be burned as fuel.

3.  Balance your blood sugar, and keep your pancreas from secreting excess insulin.  That will prevent diabetes, heart disease, and high cholesterol.  It is the recommended eating system for headache and migraine patients.  It will also balance your blood sugar and help you be healthy if you are a diabetic.

4.   Increase your energy and keep you mentally alert.  It takes food-related (blood sugar) stress off the adrenal glands.  It is the food-balancing system for patients with low adrenals and the symptoms caused by them.

5.  Offer you the eating method that can be customized for varied people with extremely different needs.  It can help the very ill recover, or assist an elite athlete obtain best-ever performance.

6.  Reduce pain for many individuals.  The hormonal balance the Zone causes will reduce the inflammatory conditions that are characterized by pain, including arthritis. It helps with autoimmune diseases (like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and multiple sclerosis).

7.  Extend your life expectancy because it normalizes blood pressure, factors affecting plaquing of artery walls, and thus occurrence of heart attack and stroke.   There is evidence to show that it is cancer-preventing.  It is the diet that will slow the aging process.


The key is to balance the ratio of protein, carbohydrates and oil every time you eat or snack.  It is also eating food in the proper portions.  So it lays out both portions, and proportions of food you eat at meals and snacks.  You will want to eat every 3-6 hours, because hormones and blood sugar stay optimally balanced for about 5 hours. 


The Zone (40-30-30) is used as part of patients’ treatment programs.  For many it is a central part of their nutrition program, together with supplements that are customized for their health condition.  It brings improvement to individuals who, either by craving or misinformation, were loading-up on carbohydrates or sugars and perhaps under-eating protein foods.  It brings the correct amount of the right oils to people who either over-consumed, or over-limited fat and oil intake.  The results are often miraculous, and can be expected to be as good as the individual will understand, apply and follow the guidelines.


The easiest and recommended way to get the Zone (40-30-30) underway for you, is for you to buy the book “The Formula” by the Daousts, available on Amazon.  Go directly to the recipes to see how you can construct meals and snacks that match your tastes in food.  When you have healthy habits, such as eating organic, or avoiding wheat (all the herbicides and pesticides in the grains now) you can apply those into the meals and snacks you use.


For scholars seeking to read more detailed scientific information, the book “Getting into the Zone”, by Dr. Barry Sears available to read. 


Once you get the book “The Formula” by the Daousts you are able to be absolutely on your way.  First determine which letter plan you are on.  Then go to the second half (the recipes) and get right to determining what you will eat for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Snacks.


That’s all folks!!!


Every day we rely on our digestive system to get the raw materials to us to build and fuel our bodies.  Yet millions of us are plagued with digestive malfunctions that result in discomfort and illness.


Your digestive problems can come from any of the digestive organs.  In general, if you can restore your organ to optimal function, you would be far better off than you would be taking drugs that only cover-up, kill pain, tranquilize or artificially alter the digestive process.


Stomach problems can include pain, heartburn, ulcer, gas, pressure, bloating, incomplete food digestion, diarrhea, constipation and other symptoms.  The body needs stomach acid (hydrochloric) to break foods down for digestion.  Antacids can cause new side-effects and problems.  If you use antacids that dilute stomach acid, you cannot easily fully digest.  Calcium, iron, and protein are three examples of essential nutrients that can only be digested and assimilated if there is strong stomach acid.  If there is an “acid stomach” it is better to repair the stomach lining than to try to eliminate the acid.  There are specially formulated nutritional supplements for this. Medications that cover up your symptoms or “tranquilize” the stomach, do not cure the problem, but you may expect to use them forever for symptom relief only.  These medications also have side-effects which worsen other body tissues, the longer you use them.  Every day people are prescribed life-long-use drugs on a "guessagnosis", not even based on a reasonable diagnostic certainty.


Hiatal Hernia is a very common problem that responds best to a specialized forms of chiropractic adjustments.  A nerve-caused hiatal hernia is typically where the top of the stomach, and the stomach valve is jammed up in the diaphragm muscle.  It is originally caused by a compressed nerve, "subluxation", short circuit in the area of the back in between the shoulder blades (usually at Thoracic vertebra number 5).  Hiatal hernias cause multiple stomach, chest, heart and digestive complaints.  In very severe cases, when food jams on the way down or stomach acid flashes back up past the paralyzed valve (“reflux”) and burns the food tube, a person may be told by their doctors to sleep sitting up!  A test from Applied Kinesiology, the chiropractic specialty that developed muscle-testing as a diagnostic method, can detect a hiatal hernia which is causing indigestion, chest or heart pain.  Then hands-on adjustment of the stomach, diaphragm, AND spinal nerve areas will deliver both relief of symptoms, and a real cure to myriad hiatal hernia sufferers.


Ulcers of the stomach or duodenum (small intestine) occur where the stomach lining is eaten-through by the body’s own stomach acid.  Medically, stomach tranquilizers, acid blockers and antacids are used to treat the problem.  If a cure happens, it’s not common.  The ulcer patient may often expect to take medications the rest of their life, having, of course, to live with the side-effects on the body’s biochemistry.  By correcting nerves to the stomach chiropractically, improving the adrenal glands, and using stomach-lining repair nutrients our approach deals with correcting the cause of the problem.  Then the damaged tissue is repaired, and the problem can be made gone.  That is the difference between medical "management" of a condition and the correction of it.


The existence of the H. Pylori bacteria as one possible cause of ulcers is now well known.  That bacteria can be tested for in several ways, and if present is essential to eliminate.  Currently a combination of antibiotics and bismuth is used as the most effective response in killing H. Pylori.  Remember that if antibiotics are needed to kill a bacterial problem in your body, that your own wiser-than-your-MD knowledge dictates that you take friendly flora to immediately repopulate your colon with the essential beneficial bacteria!


Colon (large intestine) problems including colitis, Krohn’s disease, constipation, diarrhea, bleeding, gas, bloating and toxicity can respond beautifully to the correct natural approach.  Implementing the proper nutrients for colon-lining health, fiber, friendly bacterial flora, cleansing of garbaged-up membranes and correcting nerve problems of the low back, which sends the nerves to the colon and controls the colon’s muscle activity can be crucial to reestablishing health to a sick or irritated large intestine.


All informed scientists now know that we always carry huge billions of organism populations of bacteria in our gut (large intestine principally).  We have known for a long time that they play an important role in intestinal and tummy well-being.  Bad bacteria also exist in massive numbers in our world, and most of us, at any given moment have some balance point between the good and the bad ones in us.  We like to have the beneficial (usually of the acidophilus "acid loving" strains, bifidus, and other beneficial species) bacteria in high quantity, and the bad guys in low.  This is done by taking FLORA products that are helpful.  There are numerous types, and oddly enough many are patented, produced and controlled by one company, and another type by another company!  Strange but true.  It is important to use the strains of Flora that are best for you.  Bifidus strains, good at any age, when used in infants provide often spectacular immune response. They play a central role in our eliminating Colic (in conjunction with adjusting baby) at the near speed of light.  That brings smiles and sleep to previously tortured parents of colicky babies too.  When you've taken antibiotics for any reason, typically both the good and bad bacteria in your body are decimated.  If you did nothing to correct that, the bad bacteria typically take over your digestive system; not good.  Always take enough Flora after antibiotic use.


The most sophisticated understanding now states that the large intestine is a principal site of immune defense function.  As important in fighting off day-to-day illness of many types as the better known immune responders.  Keeping the right flora population in good order within your body is a longevity strategy.  This is just as the unknown-to-some link of mouth-gum disease to inflammatory conditions, and the demonstrated causal link between that and heart attacks. Friendly flora populations work also in the body to keep systemic low grade infection in check and resultant inflammatory process that leads to arterial plaque crises, spelled "heart attack" and also stroke (the number one killers).  It's always amazing to see the interplay of seemingly distant factors in affecting health, disease and cause of death.  And they can play an important role in your Anti-Aging strategies.


Gall Bladder problems, congestion, even stones can respond to very specific hands-on chiropractic adjustments, and nutritional products formulated for gall bladder health.  I have personally turned around rapidly patients who had been ordered to gall bladder surgery removal. I do that with the simple combination of adjustment, organ targeted hands-on chiropractic procedures, and specific nutrition.  On the spot, the pain gone, and surgery cancelled.  That surgery must have been really needed! And we must not need all the organs given us.  Maybe they're just spare parts?


Other Organs of Digestion (pancreas, liver, small intestine, etc.) all can respond to the proper natural therapy.  Chiropractic adjustments, nutrition, herbs, etc. are specifically designed for numerous digestive malfunctions, imbalances, and organ diseases.  Results are regularly excellent.


Nerve system-wise, the digestive organs are connected to the spinal nerve outflows. Spinal nerves, and short circuits in them from vertebral malfunction ("subluxations") will typically cause problems in control and signaling, harming the digestive organ that those nerves serve.  In the mid-back thoracic area: Thoracic 4 goes to the Gall Bladder.  Thoracic 5 to the Stomach, Thoracic 6 to the Pancreas, Thoracic 8 to the Liver.  Those are all in between your shoulder blades.  In the low back vertebral group, the Lumbars: Lumbar 1 to the Ileocecal Valve that can jam between the Small and Large Intestine from nerve interference at the spine.  That affects toxin re-uptake into your blood, as food leaves the Small Intestine (Kitchen part) of your digestive tract to pass through that valve to the Large Intestine (Trash part).  Nerves from the other lumbars go to the Large Intestine. Short circuits at that part of the spine can cause Intestinal distress, including, in my experience, some of the most delayed and thus toxic constipation patients.  Their problems resolved simply and dramatically with correction of the Lumbar spine and correct nutritional supplementation.  FAST.  Think Chiropractic.  Nerves control every body part, and when those nerves are short circuited, problems begin.


Digestion is a natural essential process of life and health.  Our digestive systems interface with our lives and health in myriad ways.  It only makes sense that there must be natural methods that could restore our digestive tracts to healthier.  And there are.

Virus Survival Fast Track: My Recommendation for Corona Preparation (Psst: it’s not toilet paper) by Dr. Arlo Gordin



You've heard that an anti malaria drug shows real hope of being a game changer in the severity and death rate of the Corona. I so am wanting IT to be the help we hope it could be. Even if it is, to get it, you will probably need to a) be sick already, b) call and get handled by "your" medical doctor, and then c) get a filled prescription for that med. I have been using the MOST EFFECTIVE ANTI-MALARIA SUBSTANCE ON THE PLANET, SO EFFECTIVE IT WAS AWARDED THE NOBEL PRIZE!!! Most importantly you can have it in your hands NOW and take it without any lag or delay. A GREAT advantage!!!

The fact you may not have even heard of is that just recently in the year 2015 the Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to a scientist who showed that a concentrated extract of a traditional oriental herb kills malaria more effectively than anything. That is a breakthrough only known to the world at large very recently, unknown before. Google it and you will see that this one herbal breakthrough has been responsible for saving millions of lives (millions not thousands). Now that herb concentrate has been medically tested for employing against many other types of infection organisms and found to be effective, which has been published in medical journals. However that effectiveness more broadly than just for malaria has not been applied much to help the health of the public to date. Note that currently on the news is another and different anti- malaria drug spoken of as a potential help in Corona, but the herb extract we are using has been credited as the most effective malaria drug, and few if any others are talking about it yet! Also note that with herb concentrates, the source and the actual method of extraction and concentration vary, so that product bottles whose labels appear the same or similar will show vast variations from brand to brand of the actual effective chemical components. On assay of immune nutrients, some of the biggest sellers are tested and found to have close to zero of the effective substances in them.

Starting last flu season (2019) I began seeing that the flu viruses were quite tough on persons in our community. The “bugs” had been tougher to solve with immune nutrients. For some they lasted longer and had symptoms such as cough or congestion and lung involvement that lingered. For some they would get sick again and even again after “getting well”. In other words, the viruses had evolved tougher types. Note you have heard that flu causes deaths in the USA, varying by year, of between 17,000 and 60,000 deaths each year.

In this year 2020 we began seeing again some tough to drive out of the body flu viruses again. And on a moment’s inspiration I took my strongest immune “cocktail” of herbs, and included the Nobel Prize winning herb concentrate. Suddenly in my hands was an approach that took the toughest viruses we were seeing, cutting them off at the knee when taken at first sign of symptoms. And many times leaving the person free of getting the virus in hours and feeling normal by awaking the next morning. When given to people who were already quite symptomatic, where the virus had already taken hold, this new “cocktail” I had fashioned was returning them to health in speedy short days.

An employee of mine who on day 2 of her work told me she was very sick and needed to go to the ER, came back a few hours later with the printed doctor visit summary. The diagnosis that she had in writing was pneumonia. I gave here my complete immune protocol, 4 types of herbs, 1 tablet of each, and in 3 days she was completely over the pneumonia.

Note that corona virus deaths by and large have been a pneumonia-type fluid accumulation in the lungs, causing the person’s death.

I firmly believe that your best preparedness for all the current and deadly viruses is fast and genius immune fire-up. You can buy water, toilet paper and hand sanitizer, but I recommend your real preparation for you and those you care about, is to have the most powerful immune responders on your shelf now. Then you can take them fast. When needed they should get those of us who are in the well-group through this without a big deal. And I would counsel to be taken fast by those who would be considered the high-risk persons to pull them through this epidemic alive and kicking.

The products I have put together support immune competence against viruses and bacteria both.

Call me and we can have this potent virus fighting cocktail sent to you, with products made by the most respected and high quality natural labs, with my instructions on using them to support your health in this most feared time.

The 4 product protocol for an individual, shipped to you without additional tax or shipping fees, costs $168. For a family or larger group, we have larger sizes available.

I always know that being smart about being stronger than infections is the best strategy. This is the most effective program I know to arm your body in the fight against tough disease producers.

Being well armed is superior to cowering in fear.

PS: These products have been going out as fast as we can get them, and some are hard to get restocked. Ordering soon is best because availability is changing by day.

Corona Suicide? by Dr. Arlo Gordin

CORONA SUICIDE? Try this one out as to death rates. "Stress kills." Lots of experts say it, but what does it mean? Simply put, stress takes a toll on key systems of your body. Nerves, glands, transmitter substances and chemical changes. Does it sometimes kill fast? Yes it can...heart attack, sudden glandular and nervous system breakdowns. But more commonly slower is the rule.


So your gland, immune and auto-immunity systems crash because you lost your job, your ability to support your household, and your future confidence in your life's buoyancy. Then you are in an auto-immune disorder. There are many types and names for them. You're a "good American" and you get good American medical care. Medication. Prescribed drugs.  And as time goes on and the disease worsens, you get more medicationSSSS and don't get better.


Now you're much worse. You decline and die at age 68. Average life expectancy in America is 79 years right now. You've lost 11 years of life compared to the average. And the Corona virus killed you by economics and stress. And while it happened, your quality of life, and of the people who live and depend on you also suffered and stayed worse. Around me some good friends have lost and closed their successful businesses. They are hopeless.


How does that 11 year loss of life and quality of life for years before compare to the average 80 year old we're told who died of Corona? He's already 1 year over average life expectancy when Corona took his many years of life (and Quality life) did he/she lose? Now factor the recession that economic fallout of Corona takes on virtually all persons and all businesses, the consumer markets and the economy.


Yes....economic stress could and maybe will kill and shorten many more lives than the virus directly. See where the stats on Corona germ death really finally fall in our country. Remember that in a really bad year 60,000 die of flu in the USA. Each DAY 4,000 people worldwide die of Tuberculosis. Look up the DAILY death rate of the next 15 germs! Maybe we will see 100,000 + deaths from Corona in America this year. Maybe not.

But yes, I do have faith in American gumption and genius. We are and will downturn the death rate on this virus is my prediction. I believe that to be most likely.


Then the Stress death rate should be computed against the Germ death rate, and rational decisions made thereby. Most of us, including me, have no crystal these projections and decisions are really each GUESSES. Let's see.....Them's my thoughts on Covid "Suicide" vs. Covid germ life shortening.....


Actually that death rate has been down revised to be likely 0.5%. These are still guesses only, as real cases, vs tested cases, vs lives shortened which is a death, are still not close to what any scientist knows to be real or reliable. I have my opinion on what the death rate is currently, and what it will be after we downscale it with treatment that lowers morbidity, which I feel confident is occurring. So....


Here's an area of our natural health care that brings lots of relief, smiles, happiness and even some desperately needed sleep. And usually fast too.


I recall the recent case of my friends in Brazil.  They had given birth to a beautiful baby girl, but after a month, I looked at their haggard faces, and they told me their daughter was tortured and unhappy.  They had the baby from the dark depths of the netherworld.  She cried and was tormented, and they hadn't slept for a month.  I did what I'll next describe for you in this write-up, and overnight they had a "new baby girl" who smiled and slept.  Literally in one day.


So many times we've had parents who tell us of their miserable baby.  Cries and cries.  No smiling baby, too busy fussing and wailing.  And the parents just can't get a calm mind (too much noise!) or a good night's sleep (too much noise!)  Most experts agree that the most common cause for a colicky baby is some digestive problem the baby has.  And that's true, it is the most common.


So bring the baby to me to fix!  And what do we do?  First I test and adjust your baby.  I test for all possible bone misalignments (there's a lot of pressure in birth, for the baby to get out through that little space!).  I test for any nerve "short circuits".  That means check baby's neck, head, jaw, shoulders, spine and all vertebrae, pelvis, arms, hands, legs, feet.  The works.  If something isn't right (and with colicky babies there often is something or multiple things that aren't) I adjust those into correct position and motion.  No, it doesn't take any force to adjust a baby.  No crack and pop like some chiropractic adjustments done for adult patients.  Just gentle finger pressure is all it takes to adjust your baby. Painless, and your baby more often coos when it's done, and certainly baby doesn't usually complain.


Now with your baby adjusted (for whatever showed up was needed only), we usually employ the correct type of friendly bacteria that helps babies' tummies. Just put a tiny bit (a powder) in your baby's mouth.  We don't use acidophilus bacteria (better for adults) but another particular strain that works best for babies and small children.


And it is my rule to teach Mom and Dad how to do the do-it-yourself adjustment for baby at home.  It's called the "Swing Technique" and is easy for you to do, if you are instructed how to do it correctly.


Ta Da!  Usually the baby will be well.  Fast. Colic gone.  Smiles better and sleeps better, and so will you!  It's really too easy when the chiropractor knows just what to do.

Asthma Anyone? Waves & Harmonics by Dr. Arlo Gordin

Great chiropractors always say that patients come in waves.  One week it's knee week, another is Musicians' week.  It's just funny how I will see a bunch of people arriving in the same time frame with similar health complaints.


I just am completing the health programs of a bunch who came in with Asthma, breathing problems, as their chief complaint.  And they who have been actually following the program for correction are doing great, breathing well, free of the side-effect-laden meds (sprays, inhalers, etc., all cortisone based and quite destructive to the underlying problem and to human health).   Asthma has long been known to respond well to chiropractic treatment, especially locating the subluxations (nerves compressed and short-circuited at your spine), and adjusting and correcting them.  These are most often found in the mid-back area, in between your shoulder blades.  The breakthrough of understanding the adrenal glands and their role in asthma is the real additional horse-power to fix these conditions up properly.  The adrenals secrete your body's own cortisone, an essential hormone for health and keeping your body areas from becoming inflamed and malfunctioning, including your lungs and lung tubules.  Burnt out adrenals play a key part in troubling every asthma patient I have ever seen and helped.  If your chiropractor can analyze and adjust your spine really well, and can really walk the walk when it comes to adrenal gland restoration, your asthma will likely become a thing of the past!


Another wave I am completing is the Knee Patient Wave.  A whole bunch of knee patients came in with damaged knees, arthritic knees, post-surgical ligament transplant knees, three times bigger engorged and filled with fluid knees, meniscus cartilage-torn knees, post complete-knee-replacement (now all metal!) knees, to name some of them I've seen in that wave.  They are all walking better, climbing stairs where they couldn't, feeling relief of all the pain.  What a good thing since you and I use our knees just to stand and always to get around!


Then there's the wave of disc-injured low back patients who came in as a flock.  A whole bunch of people with long standing (years) of low back pain.  Many with sciatica, the pain that shoots into their butt and down their legs.  People who didn't live without constant pain, some who could barely sit to work at their computers, who had trouble walking and getting up from a couch.  Now they are so much relieved, living lives without all that pain!


One of the biggest waves (has been a tsunami!) is the Adrenal Burn-Out Wave. Life must have been very stressful when I was away!  Here are the exhausted, the low immunity, the stressed, the unfocused energy, the pain-ridden, the back pains that won’t get better, the headachey and the migraines, the hormonally challenged and downtrodden!  That wave is completing a big "graduating class" soon, much more resilient, stronger, more energetic, sleeping better, pain relieved, and un-medicated!  As one “graduate” of my adrenal program said to me this week:  "This has been the most stressful time of my life; I normally would have crashed and burned!  I can't believe I am doing this well and standing up to it.  This couldn't have happened before without your help".  What a pleasing thing!


A pleasing one was this week a young patient whose shoulder had “frozen” in pain.  If she tried to move it even 2 inches from her side to lift it, that was impossible and the pain kept her from moving it.  Forget about getting that arm up at all.  On a friend’s advice she had let a medical doctor inject her shoulder with cortisone (not recommended by me, as there is evidence that injection causes the joint to degenerate), and give her anti-inflammatory drugs to take by mouth.  She waited some days, but the relief wasn’t much, and the arm was as un-movable as before the injection and meds.  One adjustment by me, and her useless arm was able to be lifted immediately way up in the air…shortly thereafter without another adjustment it went fully up over her head, and the pain was cut.  That sort of thing is the fun in my work.


I want to thank all of you for your confidence in me and my work.  It has been such a pleasure to help you be healthiest, whether once again or for the first time.  I just received a call from a woman calling for my help, who first thing she said to me was that I had cured her baby of ear infections 32 years ago.  Yup, I’ve been helping people little and great for a while now.


I wish all of you radiant and total health! A thing most needed and to definitely be thankful for!


Tremendous Health Breakthrough in Auto-Immune, Recurrent Illness & Pain (and much more)! by Dr. Arlo Gordin

It’s rare that I get to say that something is the most important of the health strides made in recent decades, but now I get to!  Years ago, Dr. George Goodheart developed Applied Kinesiology – muscle testing. With it he changed Advanced Chiropractic by orders of magnitude. In the 1970’s, Dr. Hans Selye won the Nobel Prize for his research in learning how adrenal glands got overworked and burned out, and how that caused ill health, inflammatory, blood sugar and other disorders. Selye’s is still one of the most important breakthroughs that led to helping sick and pain-ridden people be well. Applying it very brightly, you can shred many of the worst health problems, pain and severe disease complexes.

Right now has dawned a new Health Breakthrough of great magnitude. An important new way to get a myriad of the most problematic diseases handled. Faster, more completely, in a way never really seen before.  Allow me to give you some background to understand…

A few linked new understandings will help you realize what this breakthrough is, and how we got to it.

In 2015 a Chinese woman researcher won the Nobel Prize for demonstrating that an old Chinese Herb, which we might never have heard of but for her, kills Malaria like nothing ever had. It has become the recommended standard of treatment for Malaria in the world.  It is named Artemesia Annua, Quing Hao in Chinese. As her research was done, much other research has been performed. It is discovered that Artemesia killed many other bad-guy organisms. And in combination with other comparatively rare herbs, it eliminates even more of them, and better. Artemesia is currently being researched in combination with other herbs, and found to kill bad-guy organisms best. Even some cancers have already been tested, which research is advancing now.

Meanwhile, while we’ve all known about some bad “germs” that stay in our bodies and cause recurrent and sometimes severe disease situations, there are more of those than you likely knew existed. Yes, Chicken Pox and “Shingles” (a variety of the Herpes virus type), Herpes infection itself, Epstein Barr Virus, Lyme Disease are some of the better known organisms that are generally well known to stay around and recurrently “surface”, causing problems. Some of those are known to survive, living in your body and making your health worsen steadily. Bad germs in the gut, large and small intestine are part of this story.  SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth), and Leaky Gut are other organism-caused damage. Germs that cause inflammation have for years been shown and are written in medical journals to dramatically increase deaths from even heart attacks and strokes!

It turns out that there are many more organisms, some VIRUS, some BACTERIA, some SINGLE-CELLED ORGANISMS, some are even WORMS that have developed stealth technologies to evade being wiped out by our immune systems. They have various ways to do this.  Some shed their cell membranes, some change the way they penetrate your cells, some of them even send out substances to order your immune system to cease its attack on them! We now group them under the header of STEALTH PATHOGENS. (A pathogen is a living thing, such as  virus or bacteria, which CAUSES disease.)  They are STEALTH because they either evade detection by your immunity or down-regulate your immune attack on them.

Yes, it’s a fact that there are lots of Stealth Pathogen Organisms. And they often are at the root of severe diseases and health situations.  Two are from Cats!  Cows now carry and leave one in the majority of our milk products and even most of our Baby Formulas: a nasty one called MAC. Lyme Disease is a newsworthy and misery-generating one. Epstein Barr Virus is one you’ve probably heard of too.  The quite common one that gets in the stomach and was discovered to cause ulcers: Heliobacter (H. Pylori).  Candida is the fungus organism that can quite mess you up.  And there are a large number of others, each with big Latin names. Since they are possibly unknown to you, I’ll spare you the extra grief of listing them here.

Understanding: As we have traveled through life, from childhood diseases, through walking barefoot, from pets to environmental exposures and transmitted illnesses, we have acquired some number of Stealth Pathogens that remain in us.  We call that our individual STEALTH PATHOGEN BURDEN.  It may consist of 3, 5, or even more bad critters. That burden is individual to each person and is based on the encounters, genetics, responses and illnesses of a person’s lifetime up till now.

These germs and bugs are now demonstrated, in straightforward published medical research, to be connected and CAUSAL in many diseases.  Many of those are very severe or horrible.  And quite a number that are called AUTO-IMMUNE DISEASES.  In other words, specific virus and bacteria types are now known to be tied to specific diseases. These diseases include: Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn’s Disease, Psoriasis, Lupus, Graves’ Disease, Hashimoto’s Thyroid, Multiple Sclerosis, Inflammatory Pain Diseases, and many more. If your problem is an auto-immune one, think Stealth Pathogens could be of greatest help to you.

Although when at first customizing the Stealth Pathogen Protocols for patients, detailed laboratory and blood tests were made, it was learned that because the organisms being searched for were STEALTH, the tests weren’t accurate. The expense and hassle of laboratory tests that don’t demonstrate all you would wish to find out is now avoided. We don’t do them! Now it is known that the best customization of a program can be done by viewing your symptoms, complaints, disease and diagnoses history. Those 2 main areas allow me to “fit” the Stealth Herb Protocol to your exact problems and the things most needing direct action. I have devised a streamlined questionnaire that gets this need met for you.  (You can ask me to send you one.)

The exact nutrients you need are in tablet form, and reasonable in both number and cost.  If and when the Pharmaceutical Industry gets a hold of this breakthrough, expect the prices from them to try your imagination. 

By years of perfecting these programs, the herbs must be “pulsed”, which is to say, they are taken for a handful of days, and then followed by a different set for some days.  Then repeated through the 8 TO 12  weeks, that is most commonly the brief total time required.

The Stealth Pathogen Protocol can be often completed in 8 weeks, really quite fast, to unburden the accumulated weight of the bugs and germs one has been subjected to, and is currently “housing”.  What a breakthrough to be able to take out of your system what for many with autoimmune diseases (some of them listed above) are the underlying reason the disease is there at all!

And to bring this program into an even more rounded sphere of effectiveness, I have included herbs that pull out toxic metals.  That means detoxing the heavy, health-damaging metals such as aluminum, mercury and lead.

Don’t you think that would make sense for people with the illness types and symptoms described?  For people with auto-immune problems and illnesses?  How about for every person, even those without those specific illnesses? Because we all have encountered these organisms, and had the childhood diseases for starters, by the time we are adults. We already have our own little “zoo” of them that have taken up residence. And it’s not a zoo that is cute to visit, but one that is best cleaned up first! Now we have the real, natural and sane way to clean it up!

That’s something!

PS: Note that simply getting these ideas and trying to get the right quantity and quality of these substances in health food stores or online is actually quite a problem.  When these herbs provided by other sellers are chemically “assayed”, tested to see what and how much is actually in them, the results are regularly shocking.  The active needed material is barely present!  These programs, to work, must be delivered with nutrients from sources with impeccable and correct herb material, properly concentrated for the herb type in the product, and with the needed dosage of active material to create the effect required.  Just having the right words and names on the bottle’s label is not enough!

Musicians' Hands and Other Instrumentalists' Problems by Dr. Arlo Gordin

One of the most specialized areas of my practice has been in fixing musicians’ problems.  This has included some of the best and most respected players in the world of music.  From guitarists, drummers and bassists to violinists, pianists and saxophonists, musicians require a level of dexterity, control, speed, and nimbleness that few equal.  A player cannot perform at his best if he has pain, numbness, lack of control, or similar problems.  These types of problems can threaten your career, and mess with your mind.  Many times I’ve had players who were stopped from playing at all.  For some, the severity was so great that they were despondent about losing their ability to pursue their love of music.  I’ve felt for those who have been so plagued, and have been most jazzed to have helped so many return to their art and their love.  Most have told me that before coming to me, every other doctor and treatment they'd tried had failed.


Every day I treat new patients with problems in the hands, fingers, thumbs, wrists, forearms, elbows, upper arms, shoulders or neck.  These can come as a single limited area of pain, numbness or weakness, or in combinations.


My reputation in this area of health restoration is so great that many musicians in the L.A. area have heard of my success, and know friends who have been fixed by me. Many others travel from great distances to receive care from me.  I get calls from people suffering with these problems from New York to Tokyo. I have treated musicians from most all continents and nations, from Europe to Asia to South America.  Function of hands and arms is a key aspect of most players’ lives.  


Most of the problems musicians bring me actually come from problems in their nerves and  joints. The clue that the problems are usually from nerves is the type of symptoms that are caused.  Pain comes from nerves. Numbness comes from nerves. Parts that won’t function normally and rapidly usually are almost never damaged muscles, but are failures of nerves to control the muscles and signal to and from them properly. Joint malfunction plays a key role in most nerve malfunctions. The rich and complex interplay of nerve signals telling your brain where every part of your arm and hands are precisely located and doing, and the outflow of nerve information telling the muscles and even blood flow control nerves to your arteries what they need to be doing NOW is nothing short of AMAZING.


To understate the matter, your system of nerve control is unimaginably complex and detailed. Your body devotes a tremendous amount of your brain and nerves to the job of controlling your hands, arms, fingers, etc.  And for this reason, doctors find that this is not the simplest area to understand and treat successfully.


It’s therefore no big surprise that most doctors, even chiropractors and acupuncturists are not well-versed in dealing with these conditions. Nearly all are unable to even test or diagnose them effectively.  The medical tools for diagnosis are most frequently served with an off-the-cuff-guessagnois.  The somewhat traumatic tool of inserting needle electrodes to see which muscles or nerves aren't electrically intact are, in our humble opinion, barbaric, and prove to be unnecessary. Add to that, the information generated on those tests almost never creates an applicable approach to curing or eliminating the pain, numbness or lack of control or endurance in playing.  You may often, at best, hope for a nice latin translation into medical diagnostic terminology which gives you back nothing but what you just explained to the specialist were your symptoms!  Tendinitis, repetitive stress injury, carpal tunnel syndrome, all impressive sounding names.  Now go wear this brace or take this drug, or we'll cut on you in a surgery.  So pray that those things bring you temporary relief, and pray again that it lasts a month or a year! 


Effective methods of understanding and correcting are not taught in medical professional schools.  Yes they've given your problem a name that sounds fancy, but when they really don’t know what is causing it, or generally even where the problem starts from in your body, they can't fix it. Even most “hand specialists” still only offer anti-inflammatory or pain killing nerve-doping drugs (just a cover-up and temporary), cortisone (dangerous and destructive in long term use), braces (of slim usefulness), and surgeries (with very patchy odds of improvement or cure). No wonder most musicians with such problems can be driven to desperation.


The development and use of techniques that analyze WHAT exactly is the problem, WHERE exactly is it caused, and most important WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE TO FIX IT is a major breakthrough for musicians.  Where are the circuits shorted out?  Exactly?  Whether they start in your neck (where all nerves to shoulder, arm, hand and fingers must pass), the  multiple possible problem areas of shoulder system, elbow system, wrist system, or even in the fingers or thumbs, the tests I'll use will pinpoint the area(s) where the problem sources. You will find the muscle testing methods of identifying the exact problems you have aren't something you've probably seen before.  And the specific "adjustments" and treatments aren't either.  The use of ligament, joint, muscle and nerve repairing nutrition may be necessary to get both the quick improvement and the permanent fix you want and need for your artistry and your career.


I have more stories of success in this specialized niche of health care than either of us have time to recount. Easily coming to mind is an artist voted the best drummer in the world (and is in my book!) who called me with a hand problem so great that he didn't think he could take the stage for a show that night.  One treatment and he played effortlessly and painlessly that evening. Credit these superb and accurate Advanced Applied Kinesiology techniques for such a great and immediate response.


The return of players to the instruments they love, to play without pain, symptom or interference is a great satisfaction to me.  My office is full of success stories and thank you letters from the musicians who have benefited from our research and spot-on delivery of correction.  Numerous of the greatest and most reputable player magazines have done feature articles on me and my work with musicians:  Guitar Player, Guitar for the Practicing Musician, Bass Player, Modern Drummer, Keyboards.  Not because I had a publicist working for me; I didn't and don't.  These mags sent their journalists out to interview and write on my work helping their players only because players and celebs I had helped told them they'd best do so and so do a favor to their reading public.


Other problems too can affect musicians. Drummers and other instrumentalists often have back and spine problems, from the way they sit and play, or from lifting their gear. The neck is often an important area to be analyzed and corrected in many hand and wrist conditions.  Nerves to the hands and arm can be pinched in the neck, more often than not without the person even having a clue it’s there. Nutrition is often an important element in the fast correction of tough problems. I have fixed hands and wrists of people who already had carpal tunnel (even multiple surgeries!) or other surgeries for these exact problems, and those surgeries had failed.


Do you want to know more about this area of my specialized work than can be covered here?  On YouTube, go to Dr Arlo Gordin, and watch Musicians Hands, that covers this area quite completely. Or click here!


It’s my belief that you, our artists, deserve to create.  I understand how an arm or hand or finger that won't do what you need it to do can frustrate or nearly destroy you. I want you to know that the natural way is most often the best.  And I want you to get the job that you need done immediately and right.

Arterial Plaque Clean Up - Your Advantages and Benefits with Us by Dr. Arlo Gordin

You’re likely reading this because it’s been determined, usually by specific test results, that you need to clean up plaque in your blood vessels.  This problem of clogging up your blood vessels with plaque continues to be the number one cause of death in the world and in the USA as well.  Clogged arteries hold the position constantly as the main cause of heart attacks and strokes, the number one killers of humankind.

Medicine has its way of “dealing with” this problem.  Cardiologists (heart specialists) and most all other MD’s have their drug ways of “dealing with” plaque.  Because it is known and acknowledged that this is the most serious of health arenas and problems, the medical field “must” offer something.  It would be nicest if that something actually helped in a big way. Hospitals can sometimes do GREAT when you’ve HAD a devastating heart attack or stroke IF you can get REALLY FAST (minutes) to a properly equipped hospital. However, many doctors, scientists and experts, including myself, are aware of the crippling limitations Medicine has in dealing with the main underlying cause of those calamities.  (By the way Covid era has added new heart attack and stroke incidences but they still don’t come remotely close to rivalling the ones caused by arterial plaque.)  MD’s are notoriously bad at doing anything at all to reduce the plaque a person has accumulated that is clogging their blood vessels.  They have drugs (often “Statins”) which have side effects and “questionable” ability to help at all, although they can make your Cholesterol on a lab test appear to be in a better range.  Studies have been published, however, that Statins do not extend human life by a single day.

Reading this it is likely that we have put you on a supplement with studies proving that it successfully dissolves plaque, over time.  It is an incredible bargain for the invaluable service it can provide, but still is not the least expensive nutritional product.  We stock and sell it to our patients who need it, and at a price slightly lower than the best price you can get it at, since you don’t have to pay the full sales tax since it is part of health treatment. Additionally, we use the money generated in providing it to you to help cover the professional expertise and time that it takes to order testing, review and report to you, with interpretation of the results and our recommendations.

Note that we now also instruct most of this type of patient on two other effective ways to stop adding to arterial plaque. So that as you are dissolving the plaque you’ve accumulated, you are not adding new plaque to replace it!

Oftentimes the test that may be used to assess your presence or absence of plaque, and which gives us an actual score as to how good or bad it is, is the CAC or also called Calcium Scoring of the Heart.  We have negotiated low “cash” prices at the Imaging facility that is required to perform the test.  CAC provides images and also grades the amount of calcified arterial plaque that you have/don’t have.  It can be re-done after enough treatment with the right approach, to see how much plaque has been removed and is reduced. Expect that if you had plaque at levels that were best reduced on your first test, that we will be recommending retest(s) to show the job is being achieved and when it’s done. Some people are completely plaqued up (and to their surprise at times) and tempting death; some have no plaque detectable at all. And some are at various points in between. I have tests returned to me in all of those three categories.

For many of you, professional time and expertise needed for administering, advising, explaining, testing, retesting, we allow to be compensated by your buying the products recommended directly from us.  That is a way to save you money.  If, however, for purposes of convenience, or any other reasons you choose to purchase the products recommended from another source, then this form of “exchange” or “compensation” is not made to your doctor here. Or you will be asked to pay directly for the professional time and expertise needed for those functions.

Actually, this is our policy on Nutritional Supplements generally.  When you, our patient, buys them from us, we take this as a large part of compensating for the time, expertise, direction, monitoring, and revising that supplement programs often require.  But if a person will buy from another source the supplements that we carry and have recommended to them for a particular defined problem, then we must charge for the “professional component” of performing their nutritional services. (This of course also reflects the years of training, always ongoing, and experience that we bring to the arena and allow us to get results when other nutritional programs had failed.)

It is a great service to save lives of patients with this type of testing and health corrective program.  The case could be made that this is one of the most valuable health services any doctor could provide, as it could impact both the length and quality of your life immensely. Incapacity, heart bypass surgeries, surgical insertion of arterial stents, hospital stays, and bottles of prescription drugs are all some of the costly, potentially crippling, and risky ways that arterial plaque are medically treated.

Just minutes ago today one of my patients told me how his quality of life and energy and well-being had been hugely changed by this approach.

It is also worth noting that the Heart Sound Monitor testing, which can identify the exact nutritional needs that affect electrical function and cellular health of this important organ may be recommended to you.  We perform that test directly seated in our office.

I hope this write-up enhances your understanding of this critical arena of health and our services that address it, and helps you also to get the help you wish in the most cost-effective manner.


Recommended:  Read also the write-up entitled, A Tale of Two Blood Flows

A Tale of Two Blood Flows: Health or Organ Dysfunction, Heart Attack & Stroke by Dr. Arlo Gordin

Blood is the lifeline of your body.  It carries all the substances, fuel, oxygen for life, and the construction materials to build, repair and rebuild everything in your body. That means to all your cells, tissues, organs, muscles, ligaments, cartilages and joints too. Your blood also carries away the waste materials, carbon dioxide from utilized energy and used oxygen, that is necessary to keep the cells and organs from succumbing to toxins and poisons of life’s activities.  If blood is cut off altogether from an area of the body, it will die rapidly from lack of oxygen.  That’s something a lot of people may know.  But the fact that reducing the blood supply to any area causes it to function poorly, the less blood getting there the worse it is, is little known or thought about by most people or their doctors.

One little known fact of blood flow has been observed, known and utilized in Chiropractic since the early days of our science. Early Chiropractic scientists noted that areas where there were “subluxations”, spinal vertebra malpositioned and pinching the nerves that emit from the spine, had areas next to them that were measurably COLDER than the other areas nearby.  That led to the development and use, as early as the first 1900’s, of heat measuring devices that would, as you dragged them down along a patient’s spine, go HOT HOT HOT COLD HOT HOT HOT.  And the colder spot would show you where the pinched and malfunctioning nerve was located.  That is where the Chiropractic adjustments were needed.

The reason that this occurs is a remarkable fact:  Every artery in your body is controlled by moment-to-moment control by your nerve system of that artery’s current diameter, and thus how much blood it is carrying.  You may have learned a bit about this if you knew of the two automatic (subconscious) nerve systems named the Sympathetic and the Parasympathetic. When you are being chased by a bear (or even in your mind, chased by a tax audit or by an irate spouse) your body subconsciously activates the Sympathetic Nervous System.  That is known as the Fight or Flight nerve action arrangement.  It will usually call on your Adrenal Glands (which hopefully are not exhausted like so many patients arrive to me in pain, inflammation, auto-immune, allergic and may be somewhat tortured) to give you Adrenaline to power up your Fight or Flight power and speed.  Also nerve control on a Macro level in Sympathetic, Fight or Flight, mode opens up the arterial diameter to get more blood and thus power function and get-more blood to your Lungs, Heart and Skeletal muscles.  Why?  To get you power to fight the bear, hit him hard, and/or to run away with plenty of blood, energy and oxygen to survive.  That is done by nerves opening all those major arteries, at the same time SHUTTING DOWN arterial blood flow to your gut and digestion.  You won’t need to Digest that much when in a fight for your life.


The opposing side of the Automatic (“Autonomic”) nerve system is the Parasympathetic.  It does essentially the opposite to the Sympathetic.  It is the “Vegetative” activation mode of your nerves on a Macro basis.  It is activated when you’ve comfortably finished a meal, and now will relax.  The blood flow is relatively reduced to all the fight or flight areas of your body, and the arteries are opened to get more blood to your digestive system, stomach, organs of digestion, intestines. They are now getting the lion’s share of your blood, and the areas needed to Fight or Run and Respond Fast are getting a reduced amount.  Nerves are opening the arterial size (diameter) of blood flowing to your gut, and relatively closing, reducing the blood to your muscles, heart and lungs.


That’s one area of Nerve/Blood Flow dynamics that is useful to understand and which is important.  But on a more “Micro” level, all individual limited arterial lines are under moment-to-moment control as to how much blood is being delivered.  When a nerve is interfered with, generally after a time if it stays that way, the blood flow to the area the nerve serves is diminished.  The reduction is so important that it reduces the health of the area served. The organ getting the blood gets interfered with and begins going downhill, eventually resulting in a nameable disease.  The bone being served can be weakened. The tissue being served can be failing and even die also.  This is serious.  It can affect a lung, an intestine, a hand or fingers, a hip ball joint.  There are as many failures as there are nerves, and areas in your body served by them and by blood vessels.  Which means everywhere in your body.

I have been called to treat thousands of patients with this problem being the cause of their misery.  An external and visible example is the woman who came to me, saying she knew she was dying, who had been diagnosed at Kaiser only with Raynaud’s Disease. Googling: Mayo Clinic “Cold fingers or toes.  Areas of skin that turn white then blue. Depending on your skin color, these color changes may be harder or easier to see.  Numb, prickly feeling or stinging pain … most commonly affects fingers and toes. But it also can affect other areas of the body, such as nose, lips, ears and even nipples.”  “In Raynaud's disease, smaller arteries that supply blood to the skin narrow.  Primary Raynaud's is caused by disruptions in how the nervous system controls blood vessels.”

This woman had so little blood supply reaching her right hand that the flesh on three fingers was literally rotting off of her.  Even under her fingernails the flesh was just mush.  White mushy junk, which before had been supple skin and muscle, was now just dying and useless.  Painful.  Exceptionally cold, freezing hand to my touch. They diagnosed Raynaud’s but aren’t chiropractors, so could not actually restore the neck nerves (at the lower neck, brachial plexus, arm-shoulder-hand network of nerves) to normal by adjustment (or by any other way).  I thought we’d save her life, but at first I did think she would lose the rotten fleshed fingers.  In one week of chiropractic and spot on supplementation, her hand was as warm as life.  And over a couple months the dying tissue that I expected would die gangrenous, all grew completely back.  Early in treatment, I sent her back to Kaiser to get from them at no charge the test I wanted to run on her arteries blockage from plaque.  That was a failure too, with some arteries nearly completely blocked, without blood.

Which brings us to the second of the Tales of Two Blood Flows.  Which is the blockage of arteries with plaque, the number one killer, cause of death, in America and on the whole planet.  It is the cause of Heart Attacks and of Strokes.  Those two kill more people than any other causes, and by a wide margin.  It was discovered in the 1950’s that arterial gook, plaque, made up with a bunch of cholesterol in it, clogged arteries. When a chunk of that junk broke free and floated down the blood stream to block an entire tree of arterial blood supply, the area starved of oxygen died quite quickly (in a few minutes).  If that area of blood vessels went to the Heart:  Heart Attack, Cardiac Arrest.  If it went to a part of the Brain, then starved for oxygen and suddenly the brain cells died, a Stroke.  An actual area of dead brain tissue caused by stopped blood delivery.  Only recently has the Medical field learned and all now are agreed: INFLAMMATION is a key ingredient to the Plaque, Heart Attack, and Stroke universe.  So you smart ones must think again: “How are my Adrenal Glands doing?” Are they chronically exhausted, worn out, and causing wide-spread Inflammation?

The obvious first idea that doctors had was to stop eating food that contained cholesterol. No meat, butter, dairy, eggs, animal fat. That seemed logical; it just was false.  The population generally ate less of those foods to limit cholesterol, and cholesterol levels, plaque, heart attack and stroke actually got even worse! And people got even fatter too! It wasn’t until the 1980’s that some of the most aware doctors learned the hard fact that your body, your liver, makes the cholesterol that is high in your blood, and will gum up and block your arteries out of Carbohydrates. Out of Bread, Cola, pasta, potatoes, rice, beans, sweets, desserts, sugar.  OUT OF TOO MUCH CARBOHYDRATES, which is the deadly error most people make in their eating.  Remember too:  Too much carbs is the other main reason that your Adrenals burn out!

For the woman with Raynaud’s Disease, with interfered neck nerves to her hand, arm and shoulder nerve problems, who ALSO had obstructive arterial disease, plaque, which was killing her, we had to DISSOLVE HER ARTERIAL plaque.

We often send our patient to get a Calcium Score Test (CAC) to find out how much, a numeric evaluation of, the plaque that is blocking his/her arteries.  Then we have to do 4 things that most all normal (and her Kaiser) doctors couldn’t even think of, let alone do.

In brief, we have to DISSOLVE (gradually is the way of it) the plaque already blocking their blood lines.  And we have to Stop making new plaque.  Both are done nutritionally.  Precise Chiropractic Adjustments help the troubled organs recover.

  1. AN UNUSUAL SPECIALIZED NUTRIENT TO DISSOLVE PLAQUE (with both published studies showing plaque removal, and my own experience demonstrating it on my patients on objective image testing).  


  3.  A precise and little known nutritional supplement that corrects FATTY LIVER DISEASE.

  4. A NEW WAY FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND AND CORRECT YOUR EATING so that each meal or snack isn’t making new Cholesterol in your liver, that will end up clogging your arteries and stopping blood from flowing. 

Voila!  Like my (shown on the CT scan I ordered on him) Severe Artery Blocked, Brain Fogged, Mentally and Physically weakened, patient said to me yesterday after only a week and a half of treatment: ”I WAS DYING AND DIDN’T REALLY WANT TO CARRY ON OR HAVE THE ENERGY TO LIVE. I DON’T KNOW WHAT SUICIDAL IS, BUT I THINK I WAS.  NOW I’M ALERT, ALIVE AND LOOKING FORWARD TO THE FUTURE.”  YUP.

Ligament Stretch Syndrome The Toilet Bowl of Adrenal Exhaustion by Dr. Arlo Gordin

Many people suffer from stressed-out, tired adrenal glands, a very common problem.  The typical symptoms can include fatigue, headaches, pain and aches, inflammatory conditions (problems that end in “-itis”, bronchitis, dermatitis, colitis, etc.), low blood sugar, rashes, swellings, allergies, asthma, or numerous others.  Low adrenals often cause, underlie, or aggravate many health problems.

Of those many people with worn-down adrenals, a significant group has a condition known as “ligament stretch syndrome”.  This problem gets its name from the effect it often has on the joints.  When the adrenal hormones are so low that they leave the joints and ligaments (tissues that hold the bones of joints in place and allow for their determined range of movement) undernourished, a person will fail a test from Applied Kinesiology, the chiropractic specialty that developed muscle-testing as a health analytic method.  The doctor tests the muscle strength in an arm or leg, then gives a quick tug on the arm or leg tested.  On instantly re-testing, the muscle strength is greatly reduced.  People of good adrenal health don’t weaken after such a small quick jerk across the joints, only the ones with “ligament stretch syndrome”.

If you have ligament stretch syndrome then you score below the typical and common low adrenal patient.  At that point you really have hit the toilet bowl of adrenal gland exhaustion, decreased function, and reduced hormone output.  Any of the typical low adrenal health conditions exist for the ligament stretch patient, but special patterns of symptoms tend to be found.  As a “ligament stretch syndrome” patient you may have some of these following described symptoms, usually not all of them.  Fatigue can be present and can be extreme; like your engine never really gets going.  Because the joints are poorly kept up with hormones, you could feel that you can’t do normal physical or athletic activities.  The result is new pain and a sense of injury.  “I can’t play racquetball, or I’ll hurt a wrist or ankle.”  “I can’t work out, or I’ll hurt my back or knee (or whatever!)”  These migrating multiple pains could cause you to be so careful of physical activities, so that both family and friends begin to think you're losing it.  You may consider that you've become a hypochondriac, but all of the pains and symptoms that are real; the little things that shouldn’t cause pain, could make you miserable.  And your injuries don’t heal well.  The ligament stretch syndrome patient often has multiple areas of pain, multiple areas of chronic injury.

You may feel constantly mis-aligned or out-of-adjustment.  But this is the patient who complains that chiropractic adjustments don’t “hold”.  Even worse, adjustments may have caused pain (a great adjustment doesn’t hurt a patient, not usually, unless ligament stretch syndrome is present).  So some feel a need for an adjustment, but what’s the use?  I feel I need one, it might hurt me, so I can’t have one...what a hassle!

A terrible hopelessness affects many of these patients.  They feel that they can never get well.  It’s a hopeless type of depression.  Their inflammatory conditions can be horrible.  Patients with fibromyalgia (the horrible pain in joints and muscles) almost always have “ligament stretch syndrome”, as do people with severe auto-immune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.  Headaches can be of the more severe types, often migraines.  Poor immunity and frequent colds or infections can result.

What a mess!  These patients are the doctor’s and chiropractor’s nightmare:  non-recovery and constant severe complaints.  Until the research uncovering ligament stretch syndrome was made, these patients had no likely hope of health.  And they are magnets for medications and the prescription pad: pain killers, anti-inflammatories, migraine drugs, arthritis meds, even anti-depressants.  Some "self-medicate" abusing alcohol or other substances.

The treatment for this condition is specific.  The patient must take the correct adrenal nutrient, often trickling the dose every waking hour, at first.  The adrenals must be “kick-started” in this way or they usually won’t “wake-up” at all.  The average patient will complete this hourly dosage in one week;  some will take longer, and some shorter.  When they pass the ligament stretch test, they’re off the hourly adrenal.  Now they’ve graduated up to terrible adrenals, still lower than most patients with low adrenals!  (At this point adjustments become painless and more helpful.)  And still more adrenal repair needs to be done.

If you have this problem, you must learn all the information on low adrenals and low blood sugar, and do everything possible to help them repair, and eliminate all things possible that tear them down.  Diet, stress management and supplementation are positioned at the top of the list of useful things.  Watch our videos on YouTube to learn in detail about adrenals:  Energy, Blood Sugar is the one that explains adrenal health, disease and recovery in detail.

With the breakthrough of understanding the diagnosis and treatment of this condition, some of the most tortured patients that ever cross a doctor’s door can be miraculously helped, brought to a high level of physical and mental health and well-being.  Severe asthma, pain syndromes, allergic, headache, migraine, auto-immune patients can most frequently be brought "back to life".

Testing for whether this problem exists is easy and fast.  We test/screen it on every new patient.  Because when it is present, if not treated first, we'll be banging our heads on the door of failure. 

If you sense that this information sounds like you, do yourself the greatest health favor ever, and have it checked.  If it tests positive and you do the things that reverse it, you may likely find the light of health shining on you in ways you've forgotten or lost hope of attaining.

Subluxation, Nerve Malfunction & Resulting Degeneration/Arthritis Effects on Your Health by Dr. Arlo Gordin

Your health is something natural.  You get it.  Somehow your body can turn a peanut butter and jelly sandwich into its cells and tissues.  It can heal a wound, rebuild itself, fight off an infection.  Scientists can observe that life is intelligent, responding appropriately to changes both inside and out.

Your nerve system is the one in charge of all of that. Of the trillion cells that make up your body, one out of every 15 cells is a nerve cell, whose job it is to carry information that senses and controls and coordinates all of life’s functions.  It is most crucial that your nerve system function properly, and has no interference to its electrical signals.

Certain things are needed for a healthy nerve system:  adequate rest and sleep, exercise, proper nutrition including correct minerals in your blood.  And other conditions that generate interference to nerve signals must be handled.  Subluxation is the chiropractic word for the nerve malfunctions, the "short circuits" that occur when the joints of the spine (or other joints) are displaced (sometimes minimally), and damaged (in the soft tissues:  ligaments, cartilages and spinal discs).  The result is a lack of healthy nerve signal transmission, resulting eventually in pain and in diseases from failing organs, because all your organs need healthy nerve signalling to function and do their jobs.

You have probably subluxated your spine multiple times in your life.  Falls, accidents, improper posture, sports injuries and lifting improperly are a few ways that a spine can get subluxated.  Some infants begin a sick life with subluxations from the pressures of the birth process itself.  You could try to live a life so inactive, never at risk of injury, that you’d never risk a subluxation.  But that wouldn’t be fun, and your muscles would be so weak for lack of exercise that they wouldn’t hold your spine in alignment, so you’d end up subluxated anyway.

You will hear my patients talk about their severe and chronic illnesses that were cured with effective chiropractic care:

Headaches Throat  conditions Bronchitis

Colitis, Constipation Migraines Laryngitis

Liver abnormalities Bladder infections Neck Pain

Shoulder, Arm, Elbow pain Gall bladder trouble Urinary tract disorders

TMJ (Jaw) pain Hand or wrist pain Digestive disorders

Chronic female pain Muscle spasms Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Stomach pain Infertility Nervousness

Tendonitis Ulcers Decreased sex drive

Fatigue Numbness Hiatal Hernia

Low  back pain Dizziness Thyroid illness

Cardiac Illness Sciatica Depression

Asthma Immune deficiency Leg pain, numbness

Eye & Ear disorders Lung disease Skin Rashes

Knee problems Foot pain & many others

When you realize that subluxation causes dangerous interference to nerves and disrupts health, you can understand this broad range of conditions.

Subluxations are caused not only by physical trauma or misuse of your body.  Emotional stress, chemical, dietary, and organ aggravations result in nerve malfunctions and subluxation.  Some subluxations are true pinched nerves (especially spinal ones).  Others are nerve interferences to the many nerves within and around your joints (jaw, knee, hip, shoulder, wrist, etc.) that have problems (“proprioceptive nerves”) that carry vital signals to and from the brain.

Your subluxations can sometimes be seen visibly as misalignments.  But mostly they are not visible to the naked eye.  The pinching, stretching, or irritation to nerves is their first ill-effect.  Weakness or tightness and spasm of muscles adjacent to or served by those nerves often occurs.  Inflammation, pain and numbness can be one result.  Changes to the blood flow can cut off the lifeline to organs and tissues, because all arteries and blood delivery are controlled by correct nerve signals.  Resulting control errors of organs, and organ illnesses and breakdown, immune inadequacy and failure causes numerous diagnosed illnesses, whose causes are listed as “unknown” to medical science.

Spinal subluxations start in Phase 1 with spinal vertebral misalignments, some loss of normal spinal curves and nerve short-circuits and malfunctions.  Pain and other organ illness symptoms will start in Phase 1.  This is most commonly the phase of spinal malfunction in young people.  It demonstrates no degeneration yet.

Phase 2 Subluxation-Degeneration occurs when years of uncorrected subluxation have caused malformations and disc loss in your spinal vertebral joints.  Bone spurs (malformations and distortions that can look like a bird’s beak) on the vertebrae represent the beginning of pathological joint fusion.  Your spinal motion worsens; your spinal discs shrink and narrow, degenerate and begin to die.  This is the phase of degeneration and “arthritis”.  It has numerous names:  Osteoarthritis and Degenerative Joint Disease are two of them.  In Phase 2 the nerve problems worsen, as symptoms and illnesses will also do.  When I see your x-rays in Phase 2, I will grade your degeneration as to how far through Phase 2 they are.  For example if the area of your spine is 60% “gone” I will grade it as Phase 2.6It is important to know that you can slow and improve degeneration (Arthritis) of your spine with precision Chiropractic which restores motion where there is none, and state-of-the-art nutritional supplementation.

Phase 3 occurs as degeneration is finalizing and the spine has reached permanent joint fusion and chronic health failure.  At each Phase, 1, 2, and 3 the person gets worsening mobility in the spinal areas affected, and worsening health ill-effects from the increasingly short-circuited nerves to the areas muscles and organs of the body those nerves go to and from.

Detecting the location and specifics of your subluxations is the job of a doctor of chiropractic.  Using my Advanced Applied Kinesiology, the chiropractic specialty which developed muscle-testing as a diagnostic method, I can identify your subluxations accurately.  X-rays and other testing methods may be used to provide valuable information on your nerve and organ function.

My Advanced Applied Kinesiology's methods correct by application of precise chiropractic adjustments, in which the spine is restored to improved motion and position. This provides the amazing and precise method of correcting your subluxations.  It is a fact that how chronic (how much time you've had them) and how severe your problems are, the more work it takes to correct.  The process could be compared to straightening teeth, which also requires the correct amount of time and treatment.  Follow-through to complete the corrective phase of treatment is the best course of action.  When you are fully aware of the facts of subluxation-degeneration, doing a half-baked or temporary fix, only to have a problem return and worsen again, would not make the best sense to you.

By combining for you the most advanced chiropractic methods with nutritional and natural health expertise as I do in my clinic, stupendous results and my many “miracle” cases are made possible. 

I feel that people with nerve and spinal problems who haven't gotten to receive the benefit of high quality chiropractic and natural health care is like experiencing life before there were flush toilets or like a life without modern dentistry.  Sort of primitive, not so healthy and not very fun!

It is vital for you to understand the importance of nerves and your spine in your health, the integral role they and your glands play in running your entire well-being, and the importance of correcting subluxations that are quite universally sustained by all of us, to enjoy your life as optimally healthy.

It's So Noisy In Here... I Can't Hear Myself Heal by Dr. Arlo Gordin

You've been in a place so loud that you realize you can't hear yourself think.  Or you can look on TV and notice between the BS ads (especially the ones selling you drugs with Unthinkable Side-Effects, followed by the ones for lawyers for you to get back your damages from suffering Unthinkable Side-Effects from drugs you took) and you realize that your head is supposed to be filled with that noise and get you to slavishly BUY those questionable products and services.  Yes, it seems that your world can get so noisy it is a challenge to think.  But think we must; it is the intelligent person's mandate.

I have been taking care of my patients' nerve systems for many years now, and have come to realize that my thinking about your nerve system, your subluxations (nerve system "short circuits", See my article on Subluxation & Nerve Malfunction) has been updated.

Here's the way I fix your nerve system now, and what I observe about it.  Every short circuit in your body is a source of nerve system "noise".  The bigger ones (such as a neck or low-back, a bad knee problem, a carpal tunnel wrist/hand pain) will generate a lot of nerve system static or noise.  The smaller ones, like a muscle injury, a small sprain or a minor annoyance problem generates less "noise" in your nerve system.  The nerve system acts a lot like a complex computer system with a screen.  If there is too much interference, static, or noise in signaling the monitor will display an image that isn't really that image a woman?  is it a horse?  or is that a boat?  Can't really make out what it is...

Similarly your nerve system is in the business of carrying signals and getting clear communication back and forth to run the show of your health.  Of the trillion cells in your body, 1 out of every 15 is a nerve cell.  That system of nerves is trying to get a clear "image" of all its transmission.  But often it just can't.  It seems apparent to me now after the many patients that I've successfully treated, that the amount of nerve noise, all of it added together from problems (subluxations) greater and smaller, dictates the quality of the imaging your nerve system can generate.  So now this understanding helps you and me to get the product we are seeking: Health.

For example, I have many patients who come to me with their health displaying some sort of problem (symptom).  Maybe it's a single problem, like a bad painful knee that won't let you move well.  More often it becomes a list of problems including a couple off the top of their heads, but after filling out a more comprehensive history form questioning of many types of symptoms, it turns out they've listed 12 or 16 complaints (to their surprise!)  When I examine them it is SELDOM that only one problem point is found, there are often many.  Some leg muscles won't give any strength, and arm and hand muscles, and neck muscles.  Most patients didn't know they had these weak muscle areas displaying subluxations and nerve short circuits.  The weakness may not be directly related (it seems to them) to the problem areas they complain of as painful or malfunctioning, or the symptoms of their organs that seem to be working poorly.

But it turns out it is the SUM of all of those short circuited areas that makes up the accumulation of the nerve noise that keeps your system from receiving crisp clear images and delivering neat and accurate commands.  The noise becomes just too great.  It becomes the defined level of nerve system stress that your control system operates with, and the level of distortion that your nerve system operates with and the burden of miscommunication that scrambles your health balance and wrecks or diminishes your senses of well-being.

That's why in the Ligament Stretch Syndrome patient (See my write-ups on Adrenals and on Ligament Stretch Syndrome) my Chiropractic goal as we kick-start their adrenals up from comatose to get up to terribly poor function, is to adjust the subluxated areas to QUIET DOWN the levels of nerve noise.  That is one essential part of getting the adrenals to Un-Stress to succeed in waking them up.  Get the nerve noise level DOWN.  Now the body can hear itself think!  And begin properly the process of controlling healing.

Most of the time (and after Ligament Stretch Syndrome has been "graduated" by those who had it) the Chiropractic adjustments' purpose is to correct and heal the damaged areas that are sourcing the noisiness into the system.  As they are adjusted, and as the ligaments that hold them heal, the noise level continues to be less and less.  As the system "quiets down", the body gets clear signaling.  The image on the screen, if you will, can be actually seen!  The signals coming from an area about its status arrive intact.  The signals carrying orders out on the functional control of that area, or, for instance, the activation of a strong muscle to do its job and contract, now arrive with full force and accuracy, and the area responds properly.  When all has recovered and healed, then the noise levels should be QUIET.  Does that mean that new problems and the wear and tear of living and of operating your body actively will not result in new subluxations, and from them increase the noise and static in your nerve system?  No, unfortunately life tends to accumulate such things.  The reason Maintenance Chiropractic has been shown to reduce illness, extend life, reduce the occurrence of severe (and deadly) ill health events is because it CATCHES these things when they are new and smallest, eliminating them and keeping the nerve system's noise DOWN.

The beauty of Advanced Applied Kinesiology and the comprehensive checking technique I have developed is that subluxations and Nerve Static sources are tested throughout the body.  Spine: Neck, Mid, Lower Back, Pelvis and Hip system.  Head, Neck, Jaw, Shoulders, Arm and Hands. Hip multi functions, Leg Front and Hamstrings, Knee, Ankle, Foot and Toes.  Torso, Glands, Organs, Digestion and Elimination.  All that and more tested on you and EVERY one of my new patients!  That means all the major potential short circuits and sources of Nerve System Noise checked for you.  And corrected.  Result: You get Quieter Nerve, Spinal Cord and Brain function.  Result: Control of your body goes IN.  Result: our weekly fare of new "miracle" health restoration cases.  (Today I took in a new patient who had seen 26 doctors in 8 years, and never had his symptoms leave for a day!  I found all the sources of his noisy nerve system, and I can virtually guarantee that in short order his unrelenting pain, fatigue and fogginess will be GONE as the noise is eliminated, and his glands restored to working again.)

Can you picture the effect when it is so Quiet inside you can hear yourself Heal?


Over the years I've seen some very responsible, careful drivers come in to my office with car accident-caused injuries they apparently couldn't avoid . . .

But I began to ponder, is there a way they could have avoided that accident that we weren't ever taught in drivers' education?

It would seem that when somebody slams into our car from the rear, that's out of our control.  After seeing hundreds of people in this situation, I devoted serious thought into the prevention of rear-end collisions.  From this came the idea for a driving technique I've used repeatedly to protect myself from accidents.  I call it "Honk To the Rear". 

This driving technique can help you avoid, or lessen the impact of what could be a devastating rear-end collision.  You know you can take responsibility in your driving for what's in front of you and what's to the side of you.  This technique allows you to take some responsibility for what's going on in the cars behind you!

It works like this.  When you find yourself having to stop or slow in traffic, 1) where it would not ordinarily be expected, like a freeway or a fast thoroughfare, 2) in the middle of an intersection where you are expected to drive right  through, 3) when heading downhill with people behind you indicating poor braking ability or inattention 4) while driving in poor weather conditions causing vision or braking impairment, employ the following guidelines:

The moment you find it necessary to apply your brakes suddenly, instantly shoot your eyes to your rear view mirror.  If you cannot clearly see the eyes of the driver behind you indicating that he has seen your red lights and has applied his brakes, instantly begin to honk your horn.  Honk.  Honk.  Honk.  The unconscious response of the person behind you is to apply the brakes when that honking is heard.  "Why is he honking?  Something must be wrong," is the instinctive message.  Also immediately turn on your emergency flashers too.  You're trying to get them to hear and see something is going on and go into alert-driver mode (as opposed to retarded texter-mode for example).

Of course, the person in front of you thinks you're insane for honking.  "Why are you honking?  Can't you see the lady in the crosswalk in front of me?"  The lady in the crosswalk also thinks you're crazy.  "Don't you know I have the right-of-way?"  But of course, you're not honking to the front, not honking to her; you're honking to the rear.

A person unexpectedly steps into the crosswalk, or chooses to walk against the "DON'T WALK" signal. Traffic behind you is moving at 45 MPH.  You honk for the people behind you, so they won't run into you.  The cars behind you brake and no collisions occur.  It's unfortunate that the lady in the crosswalk is startled, but better for everyone that a collision hurting people (and property) has been avoided.  

Hitting the brakes that extra second earlier, after being alerted by the honking, can make the difference, especially in Los Angeles traffic where we often don't get that cushion of space around us which they told us in Driver's Ed would protect us from rear-end collisions.  The driver who is looking at someone strolling down the street, the driver texting, the one who is rummaging around in her purse, the person who is just spacing out, the driver messing with the telephone or nav system, or even listening to loud music, hears your Honk, Honk, Honk, crunches the brakes and doesn't hit you.  The honking could also signal the driver barreling along three cars behind you and prevent a four-car freeway pile-up. I employ this technique often and I know it has protected me on many occasions.

That additional method of warning by turning on your emergency flashers gives an additional signal that something ahead is not speeding along; it's not business as usual.

A third way is, when a vehicle ahead of you has slowed in your lane to make a left turn, to turn on your left turn signal.  Traffic behind you cannot see the signal from the car ahead, but seeing yours gives them an additional visual cue that traffic isn’t barreling through, but instead indicates you're stopping to turn.           

Rear-end collisions are well worth avoiding.  The damage they can cause to your spine is a hassle to repair and can sometimes leave permanent weakening of the ligament tissues that are torn.  The aggravation of having to fix yourself, and your car, are all things we can do without in our busy lives.  We have plenty of more important things to do.

I hope this driving tip saves you from needless whiplash, pain, and wasted energy in dealing with body shops and insurance adjusters. So practice it a bit, until the technique becomes instant and intuitive.  Remember - in sudden situations - you can Honk to the Rear.

Getting Old? by Dr. Arlo Gordin

Every day in my practice there’s some recital of the lament, “I’m just getting old.”  Although aging seems as inevitable as the advance of time, the effects of it are surprisingly able to be more under your control than conventional “wisdom” dictates.  I’d like to relate some telling examples to you.

A patient M. G. comes in complaining (among other problems) that his right knee always hurts if he walks, exercises or bends it much.  His “regular” doctor said he was just getting old.  I asked him if the left knee, which doesn’t bother him, was any younger than the bad right one?!?  The “bad” knee needed the hinge joint adjusted so it was working straight, and the cartilage (medial meniscus: the cartilage pad inside the knee joint) adjusted back into position.  Now the right knee doesn’t bother him anymore.  Did it get younger?  By the clock and calendar it was the same age, just as old.  But it wasn't acting old anymore thanks to the application of our approach.

My patient K. H. 51 years old tells me she’s exhausted, frequently depressed, overweight and menopausal.  She knows she’s just getting old.  We put her on a simple (and fun) nutritional program and adjusted her.  No more depression, lots of energy, 30 lbs. lighter, and no longer in menopause.  Are her glands younger?

Clock and calendar say no, her body and experience tell her yes.

A patient tells me her back is worsening, it can’t be fixed, she’s tried lots of therapy and treatment, and nothing lasts.  She was told her spine is degenerating; she’s just getting old.  We found her exhausted adrenal glands, did the special 1-week New “Adrenal Wake-Up-Call” Nutritional Treatment and now her back is pain-free and staying that way.  Is her spine younger?  And why is my spine, which is older than hers not degenerated?  Is there something more going on that determines how old you are and feel than just the passage of time?

My patient explains that his stomach isn’t working, he has an ulcer, can barely enjoy eating anymore, has no energy, pain all over.  He’s really getting old!  Adjustment to the spine nerves and stomach (Hiatal Hernia:  where the stomach traps part of itself in the diaphragm breathing muscle) and nutrition to heal the ulcer.  No pain, eating perfectly, energy up, the long list of horrible complaints GONE!  Is his stomach younger now?  Not by measurement of time, but by experience it is.  This is what people are seeking when they want "Anti-Aging Medicine" (Note I am also board certified by the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine).

The answer is YES YES YES.  In each case the aging that was taking place in the organs, joints and tissues was REVERSED.  The tissue was made young and workable again by the body itself.  It just needed some very accurate help to be able to do it.  Advanced Applied Kinesiology and competent Nutritional Care and my patient training on what you need to know are some of the key elements that head up my Anti-Aging philosophy, approach and success.

We know that scientifically our bodies constantly repair and replace themselves.  The cells are constantly rebuilding.  Scientists know that virtually every cell and organ we own is fully replaced in seven to ten years.  But will the replacement be an improvement or a sloppy slide into a worsened and unhealthy state?

The passage of time alone is not the single issue of health and getting old.  It is the passage of time OVER AN UNCORRECTED PROBLEM that causes that area to worsen, spiraling down, down, down and resulting in the degeneration of tissue, and sometimes worse.

Can you imagine the pleasure I derive with you when we together turn back the hands of time?  It’s indescribably satisfying!


Many of us were drilled to believe that coffee (and tea) and caffeine were health no-no's and should be avoided.

For quite some time now, I have re-evaluated coffee and tea and I feel that it may well be interesting to you to consider some research, data and viewpoints.

It has been observed that many of the longest lived people on planet Earth drink coffee or tea at intervals through the day.  That type of data generally makes me consider that the item being considered may, at the least, be unlikely to be a life-shortener.

For many years it has been known that coffee will stimulate the production of adrenal hormones and for this reason any conclusion I submit here would be to use moderate amounts of coffee or tea (as for example 3-4 times/day).  Not massive intake.  To overdose on too much of these seems to court adrenal and other hormonal ill effects.  And if you know of my successful health strategies with my patients, adrenal "wake-up" and rebuilding are a corner post of many health programs.  Adrenal burn-out is epidemic and the underlying key factor in many pain, blood sugar, headache, migraine, inflammatory, allergic, asthmatic, autoimmune errors which go by myriads of names and diagnoses.  (For more on this topic go to Dr Arlo Gordin on YouTube and watch my presentations of 1) Glandular Understanding and 2) Energy Blood Sugar and the Zone (adrenals covered in worthwhile detail there).

I am a board certified Anti-Aging physician through the Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. Our brain division is involved in many fascinating areas of brain understanding and preventing/reversing the unwanted effects of aging on our brains; certainly one area of anti-aging that all of us would hope to benefit from.

Loss of memory, slowing thought, brain "aging", Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s:  Some of our top researchers observe that in our brains (electrical organs as they are) as we age they drop in both electrical voltage and speed. The consideration that these electrical slowdowns eventually make the firing of brain synapses slower, and when electrically challenged to exceedingly low power and speed, impede the brain's most basic activity: to fire and to work.

Strategies to speed up and up-power the brain are one area of current anti-aging activity.

Simply speaking, coffee is found to speed up brain activity. Studies state that coffee reduces risk of memory loss and Alzheimer’s.  It is considered that coffee causes the quite valuable blood-brain barrier to remain more impervious to degrading and it’s use is linked to better mood and less depression. Coffee appears to reduce the creation of plaques in the brain, considered the diagnostic mark of Alzheimer’s Disease.¹ Coffee has been studied and seems to prevent or diminish risk of death — it has been studied to provide a 15% reduction in cardiovascular disease. Studies have demonstrated that coffee use reduces incidence of high blood sugar and diabetes (a devastating disease and the most expensive disease to pay for in America; also an epidemic worldwide).  This as well as, some studies show, reducing the incidence of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.²

Although you can read health and scientific opinions that coffee can either kill you or help you stay young alert and healthy, I've long made my own and current evaluation of the data and opinion.

My espresso maker gets hot several times daily and has for years.


1. “Coffee Combats Alzheimer’s Risk.” WorldHealth, 2015,

2. “New Health Benefits from Daily Coffee - Life Extension.” Life Extension The Science of a Healthier Life,