Corona Suicide? by Dr. Arlo Gordin

CORONA SUICIDE? Try this one out as to death rates. "Stress kills." Lots of experts say it, but what does it mean? Simply put, stress takes a toll on key systems of your body. Nerves, glands, transmitter substances and chemical changes. Does it sometimes kill fast? Yes it can...heart attack, sudden glandular and nervous system breakdowns. But more commonly slower is the rule.


So your gland, immune and auto-immunity systems crash because you lost your job, your ability to support your household, and your future confidence in your life's buoyancy. Then you are in an auto-immune disorder. There are many types and names for them. You're a "good American" and you get good American medical care. Medication. Prescribed drugs.  And as time goes on and the disease worsens, you get more medicationSSSS and don't get better.


Now you're much worse. You decline and die at age 68. Average life expectancy in America is 79 years right now. You've lost 11 years of life compared to the average. And the Corona virus killed you by economics and stress. And while it happened, your quality of life, and of the people who live and depend on you also suffered and stayed worse. Around me some good friends have lost and closed their successful businesses. They are hopeless.


How does that 11 year loss of life and quality of life for years before compare to the average 80 year old we're told who died of Corona? He's already 1 year over average life expectancy when Corona took his many years of life (and Quality life) did he/she lose? Now factor the recession that economic fallout of Corona takes on virtually all persons and all businesses, the consumer markets and the economy.


Yes....economic stress could and maybe will kill and shorten many more lives than the virus directly. See where the stats on Corona germ death really finally fall in our country. Remember that in a really bad year 60,000 die of flu in the USA. Each DAY 4,000 people worldwide die of Tuberculosis. Look up the DAILY death rate of the next 15 germs! Maybe we will see 100,000 + deaths from Corona in America this year. Maybe not.

But yes, I do have faith in American gumption and genius. We are and will downturn the death rate on this virus is my prediction. I believe that to be most likely.


Then the Stress death rate should be computed against the Germ death rate, and rational decisions made thereby. Most of us, including me, have no crystal these projections and decisions are really each GUESSES. Let's see.....Them's my thoughts on Covid "Suicide" vs. Covid germ life shortening.....


Actually that death rate has been down revised to be likely 0.5%. These are still guesses only, as real cases, vs tested cases, vs lives shortened which is a death, are still not close to what any scientist knows to be real or reliable. I have my opinion on what the death rate is currently, and what it will be after we downscale it with treatment that lowers morbidity, which I feel confident is occurring. So....