Here's an area of our natural health care that brings lots of relief, smiles, happiness and even some desperately needed sleep. And usually fast too.


I recall the recent case of my friends in Brazil.  They had given birth to a beautiful baby girl, but after a month, I looked at their haggard faces, and they told me their daughter was tortured and unhappy.  They had the baby from the dark depths of the netherworld.  She cried and was tormented, and they hadn't slept for a month.  I did what I'll next describe for you in this write-up, and overnight they had a "new baby girl" who smiled and slept.  Literally in one day.


So many times we've had parents who tell us of their miserable baby.  Cries and cries.  No smiling baby, too busy fussing and wailing.  And the parents just can't get a calm mind (too much noise!) or a good night's sleep (too much noise!)  Most experts agree that the most common cause for a colicky baby is some digestive problem the baby has.  And that's true, it is the most common.


So bring the baby to me to fix!  And what do we do?  First I test and adjust your baby.  I test for all possible bone misalignments (there's a lot of pressure in birth, for the baby to get out through that little space!).  I test for any nerve "short circuits".  That means check baby's neck, head, jaw, shoulders, spine and all vertebrae, pelvis, arms, hands, legs, feet.  The works.  If something isn't right (and with colicky babies there often is something or multiple things that aren't) I adjust those into correct position and motion.  No, it doesn't take any force to adjust a baby.  No crack and pop like some chiropractic adjustments done for adult patients.  Just gentle finger pressure is all it takes to adjust your baby. Painless, and your baby more often coos when it's done, and certainly baby doesn't usually complain.


Now with your baby adjusted (for whatever showed up was needed only), we usually employ the correct type of friendly bacteria that helps babies' tummies. Just put a tiny bit (a powder) in your baby's mouth.  We don't use acidophilus bacteria (better for adults) but another particular strain that works best for babies and small children.


And it is my rule to teach Mom and Dad how to do the do-it-yourself adjustment for baby at home.  It's called the "Swing Technique" and is easy for you to do, if you are instructed how to do it correctly.


Ta Da!  Usually the baby will be well.  Fast. Colic gone.  Smiles better and sleeps better, and so will you!  It's really too easy when the chiropractor knows just what to do.