Asthma Anyone? Waves & Harmonics by Dr. Arlo Gordin

Great chiropractors always say that patients come in waves.  One week it's knee week, another is Musicians' week.  It's just funny how I will see a bunch of people arriving in the same time frame with similar health complaints.


I just am completing the health programs of a bunch who came in with Asthma, breathing problems, as their chief complaint.  And they who have been actually following the program for correction are doing great, breathing well, free of the side-effect-laden meds (sprays, inhalers, etc., all cortisone based and quite destructive to the underlying problem and to human health).   Asthma has long been known to respond well to chiropractic treatment, especially locating the subluxations (nerves compressed and short-circuited at your spine), and adjusting and correcting them.  These are most often found in the mid-back area, in between your shoulder blades.  The breakthrough of understanding the adrenal glands and their role in asthma is the real additional horse-power to fix these conditions up properly.  The adrenals secrete your body's own cortisone, an essential hormone for health and keeping your body areas from becoming inflamed and malfunctioning, including your lungs and lung tubules.  Burnt out adrenals play a key part in troubling every asthma patient I have ever seen and helped.  If your chiropractor can analyze and adjust your spine really well, and can really walk the walk when it comes to adrenal gland restoration, your asthma will likely become a thing of the past!


Another wave I am completing is the Knee Patient Wave.  A whole bunch of knee patients came in with damaged knees, arthritic knees, post-surgical ligament transplant knees, three times bigger engorged and filled with fluid knees, meniscus cartilage-torn knees, post complete-knee-replacement (now all metal!) knees, to name some of them I've seen in that wave.  They are all walking better, climbing stairs where they couldn't, feeling relief of all the pain.  What a good thing since you and I use our knees just to stand and always to get around!


Then there's the wave of disc-injured low back patients who came in as a flock.  A whole bunch of people with long standing (years) of low back pain.  Many with sciatica, the pain that shoots into their butt and down their legs.  People who didn't live without constant pain, some who could barely sit to work at their computers, who had trouble walking and getting up from a couch.  Now they are so much relieved, living lives without all that pain!


One of the biggest waves (has been a tsunami!) is the Adrenal Burn-Out Wave. Life must have been very stressful when I was away!  Here are the exhausted, the low immunity, the stressed, the unfocused energy, the pain-ridden, the back pains that won’t get better, the headachey and the migraines, the hormonally challenged and downtrodden!  That wave is completing a big "graduating class" soon, much more resilient, stronger, more energetic, sleeping better, pain relieved, and un-medicated!  As one “graduate” of my adrenal program said to me this week:  "This has been the most stressful time of my life; I normally would have crashed and burned!  I can't believe I am doing this well and standing up to it.  This couldn't have happened before without your help".  What a pleasing thing!


A pleasing one was this week a young patient whose shoulder had “frozen” in pain.  If she tried to move it even 2 inches from her side to lift it, that was impossible and the pain kept her from moving it.  Forget about getting that arm up at all.  On a friend’s advice she had let a medical doctor inject her shoulder with cortisone (not recommended by me, as there is evidence that injection causes the joint to degenerate), and give her anti-inflammatory drugs to take by mouth.  She waited some days, but the relief wasn’t much, and the arm was as un-movable as before the injection and meds.  One adjustment by me, and her useless arm was able to be lifted immediately way up in the air…shortly thereafter without another adjustment it went fully up over her head, and the pain was cut.  That sort of thing is the fun in my work.


I want to thank all of you for your confidence in me and my work.  It has been such a pleasure to help you be healthiest, whether once again or for the first time.  I just received a call from a woman calling for my help, who first thing she said to me was that I had cured her baby of ear infections 32 years ago.  Yup, I’ve been helping people little and great for a while now.


I wish all of you radiant and total health! A thing most needed and to definitely be thankful for!